

Birth Chart

Chart Image

Transit Chart

Transit Image


Sun Con Mercury
Jupiter Con Saturn
Sun Squ Moon
Moon Squ Mercury
Moon Sex Saturn
Mars Squ Pluto
Moon Sex Jupiter
Mercury Tri Uranus
Sun Tri Uranus
Sun Tri Mars
Moon Sex Pluto
Saturn Squ Uranus
Saturn Con Pluto
Neptune Sex Pluto
Jupiter Squ Uranus
Jupiter Con Pluto
Moon Tri Venus

Planets in Signs

Sun in Capricorn

With a Capricorn Sun, you are reliable, determined, prudent, cautious and very practical with a strong sense of discipline. You may have a fetish for correctness and a love of honesty, fair-play, and efficiency. A capacity for hard work and a great faith in your own power and ability ensure the success of most undertakings. Some may regard you as materialistic, looking at the profit and loss side of transactions, and on occasions you seem to put personal ambition before all things. There may be a tendency to become a loner, having only a few good and loving friends. The drive for material status keeps your emotional life to a lower plane. You may give the impression of being cold and reserved, but usually your delightful dry sense of humour makes social contact easy. When someone does win your friendship, they usually have a friend for life - and a very loyal, dependable one. On the negative side you have a tendency to depression, gloom and worry and this must be guarded against. At times you can be arrogant, unfeeling, conventional and rigid in your views. Likely occupations are those which require the organisation of business, all forms of routine work, estate business or the building industry, work connected with mining, the agricultural profession, teaching and all occupations demanding discipline.

Moon in Aries

The Moon in Aries gives you an independent, self-reliant, militant and impulsive emotional nature. Your temperament is suitable for positions of leadership and authority, but you do lack discipline and may find it difficult to 'toe-the-line' with superiors. Sudden outbursts of temper are possible; you insist on having your own way and will not tolerate any interference from others. Out-door pursuits, exercise and sport are important for your general well being.

Mercury in Capricorn

Mercury in Capricorn produces a mind that is conservative, methodical, ambitious, practical, shrewd, patient and well organised - possessing sound reasoning ability - although you can be narrow-minded and lack humour on occasion. Mental power is channelled into education and learning that will ensure financial security and social status in some chosen field. Your mental disposition is well-suited to executive, managerial or government positions.

Venus in Sagittarius

Venus in Sagittarius indicates that you are emotionally warm, outgoing and idealistic in your romantic and social dealings. There is a strong need for freedom and you will not be rushed into romantic situations, preferring to make strong friendships before entering into any type of further commitment. Sex and love are only important to you in their correct place at the correct time. You may choose a partner of the same religious, psychological or moral persuasion as your own - if they are not, they soon will be! You can be deeply moved by religious music and Greek-type art.

Mars in Aries

Mars in Aries strengthens the martial side of your nature - you assert yourself in a forceful, courageous, aggressive, competitive, independent, positive, enterprising and self-assured manner. Primarily, these qualities are used for personal goals that serve your own ego needs. You desire to make a mark on the world, and cut your own path in life. There is an incessant drive for action and accomplishment. You find it easy to take the initiative and motivate others to 'get things done . Many projects are started but only a few are successfully completed. There is a love of sport and other physical games. On occasion you can be inpatient, aggressive and quick-tempered. The sex urge is strong, driven by powerful emotional passion. Good lovemaking requires that you feel dominant and in total control.

Jupiter in Aquarius

Jupiter in Aquarius gives you the opportunity to develop an independent, self-willed, tolerant, humanitarian, broad-minded, optimistic, inventive, democratic and original nature. There is an innate desire to penetrate the deeper subjects of life such as social science, new technology, philosophy, religion, astrology, metaphysics and occult wisdom. These qualities are necessary in order to expand your personality and life experience. Social life is extremely important and you will tend to associate with friends that are seeking to pioneer some new, noble way of life for humanity. You come to understand that any form of social reform should be in line with humanitarian and moral principles.

Saturn in Aquarius

In order to succeed in your social position in the world you will have to gain knowledge and expertise associated with the development of a broad, tolerant and impartial attitude when dealing with friends and other social groups. Intellectual power is important - original thinking, intuition and an investigative nature need to be developed and given practical application, through a quiet and steady mind capable of scientific reasoning.

Uranus in Taurus

Those born in this generation have the ability to intuitively receive from the planetary mind timely ideas for materially implementing the new directions that are being taken on the planet. They will receive insights about ways to structure the new directions, to establish innovative energies in a practical, essential way. Disruption occurs only through holding on to old value systems that are not in harmony with the new direction of society as a whole.

Neptune in Pisces

Pluto in Capricorn

Planets in Houses

Sun in 4th House

With the Sun in the Fourth House your personality drive will find expression mainly in family, home, land and property concerns. Security is your main preoccupation, and this will be sought and fought for to ensure complete self-reliance. Thus your later life should be less difficult than the early years. There may be an inheritance of some kind through your parents. Inner experiences will also be important to you, because security and self-reliance require personality integration at the psychological level - a very difficult task and completed only after much blood, sweat and tears .

Moon in 7th House

With the Moon in the Seventh House your feeling, instinctive nature will find expression through marriage or other close relationships. Your day-to-day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by social and domestic factors - friends, colleagues, family and especially your romantic partner. You may marry early in order to satisfy an inherent need for friendship and close companionship - domestic and emotional security is of paramount importance. General emotional well-being is strongly dependent on your current social life, and in particular, how well close relationships are progressing.

Mercury in 4th House

Your mental and communicative abilities will largely be applied to your domestic and private life, and issues relating to home and family. Intellectual interests, further education and general studies are carried out within the home environment. It is probable that your work or career is also home based.

Venus in 3rd House

With Venus in the Third House the areas of life where you are most likely to express your social, romantic and artistic qualities are through an intellectual appreciation of art, cultural pursuits and literature - you are able to communicate scholarly appraisal of these subjects orally or in writing. Romantic contacts are usually from within the local environment close to home, although many romantic short trips are undertaken for pleasure. Good companionship is as equally important as romance and you prefer an intellectual, communicative, and witty partner. Once smitten, you are capable of sustained friendship and devotion.

Mars in 8th House

With Mars in the Eighth House you are likely to exert your energy and initiative into the quest for personal success, self-knowledge and emotional security. Your energy is channelled through powerful, deep-seated but easily aroused emotions and a powerful sex-drive. There is a desire for leadership within your social and business sphere - involvement with metaphysical or occult groups is a possibility. Your deep interest in finance, big business and a keen, positive attitude to investment ensures success. You possess an intuitive sense that is well tuned when it comes to assessing prospective partners and financial opportunities.

Jupiter in 5th House

With Jupiter in the Fifth House you will find luck, ease of working and general good fortune coming through your own creative ability in art, education, sport and financial speculation. There is a possibility of a warm and generous love-life involving those of wealth or expansive temperament. You are likely to experience some success, happiness and gain through such love affairs, and the opposite sex generally. There is a love of pleasure in connection with places of amusement - theatres, social functions, schools, etc. This position of Jupiter promises gain through speculation, investment and financial enterprise. Education and teaching may be good fields of activity.

Saturn in 5th House

A Fifth House Saturn suggests that your career or area of responsibility in the world relates in some way to personal creative projects, love affairs and children. In order to succeed in your social position in the world you will have to gain knowledge and expertise associated with the proper use of personal power, creative self-expression and control of the ego. Life-experience will force you to learn valuable lessons related to the development of a proper sense of values in dealing with matters of creative self-expression, romantic relationships, parenthood, social life and control of your environment generally. Many related confrontations will be afforded to help hasten the restructuring process. Critical examination of the self and ones ulterior motives is required in order to develop a fully-integrated personality. Your profession may deal with investments in lands and property or speculative ventures relating to art, music, schools, places of entertainment or stockbroking.

Uranus in 9th House

With a Ninth House Uranus you are likely to seek individual freedom of expression by revolutionising the mind through travels abroad or through intellectual paths of original physical, religious, philosophic, metaphysical, scientific or spiritual discovery. An inherent intuitive facility and your original progressive ideas may give a potential for genius. Expect many changes, unusual experiences and constructive crises in your life related to the above issues.

Neptune in 7th House

Neptune in the Seventh House indicates that your imaginative and spiritual potential may manifest through marriage, close relationships or partnerships. Often a perfect marriage is indicated or spiritual inspiration through your partner. Conversely, there may be something strange, secret, confusing or mysterious regarding your marriage - possibly two unions or some scandal connected to partnerships.

Pluto in 5th House

With Pluto in the Fifth House opportunities for transforming or regenerating yourself may come through a compelling need for personal creative self-expression, or transforming love experiences. There is liking for art, culture, social life and the more unusual, esoteric amusements and entertainments. Sex matters are emphasised and it is probable that you are attracted to secret or unconventional relationships. Gambling and financial speculations are areas where much wealth may be made or lost depending on other factors in your chart. Your children are likely to be talented or unusual in some way.

Houses in Signs

1st House in Virgo

Virgo's mental acuteness is expressed in practical affairs. They are systematic and well organized in developing ideas and executing them. No detail is too small for them to notice or explain, and their success is due to this careful attention to fine points and details overlooked by others. Perfection is Virgo's goal, and there are no flaws in what they do. Quality supersedes quantity.

2nd House in Libra

These natives tend to become involved in ventures with a partner, often the wife or husband. They have the ability to attract the money necessary to provide the beautiful and good things of life. The pattern of acquiring these things is irregular, however, since they alternate between frugality and extravagance.

3rd House in Scorpio

These natives are energetic, extremely resourceful, and creative in their thought processes. Succinctness and frankness characterize their speech and communication. Words well said function as a balm for them and are beautiful music to their ears.

4th House in Sagittarius

Spacious and comfortable homes are important to these natives. They like to provide a place for everything and see to it that everything is in its Place. While visitors are generously treated, these natives are especially generous with their own families. Their families, indeed, usually get along better than most.

5th House in Capricorn

These natives are rather prudish concerning sex and romance. Although they appear to be cold, they are highly sexed. They frequently realize their ambitions through the one they love, or the children of their body and mind. They are extremely cautious in the realm of speculation and do not enter into 'wildcat' schemes. They seek pleasures that are serious and contemplative and have the ability to enjoy hard work.

6th House in Aquarius

These people are creative and original in their work. They treat co-workers as friends and enjoy group projects. However, they lose interest in a project if all the group members are not willing to see it through to its completion. They are generally methodical in their professions, employing original techniques, and humanitarian in their service.

7th House in Pisces

Partners are often the avenue by which the natives expand into new fields; these partners enhance their human understanding and emotional involvement. The natives attract people who are not nearly so well organized as they.

8th House in Aries

These natives are subject to accidents and fevers which can change their whole lives if they are not careful. Legacies often are involved in extended litigation. Disagreements arise in matters relating to joint finances. Since their opportunity for regeneration is through decisive action, their pattern is to initiate projects, as well as to complete those other people have begun.

9th House in Taurus

The philosophy of these people is based on the beautiful and the practical. They take a down-to-earth view of social concepts and religion and are not likely to change their views easily on these subjects. They insist on the just handling of finances and relationships.

10th House in Gemini

These natives engage in professions that allow them to utilize both mind and hands to implement their original ideas, and these ideas bring them fame and recognition. They often become involved in more than one professional activity. Many of them work in the field of communications. This fulfills their desire to be remembered for their genius.

11th House in Cancer

These natives treat their friends as family members. They develop unusually strong emotional attachments to friends, as well as to the groups and organizations to which they belong. Their friends are invited into their homes, which become places of group activity.

12th House in Leo

These natives possess astonishing strength that is not apparent until they are tested. This depth of willpower is their unconscious support. Their self-undoing may come from pride and hidden egotism.

Ephemeris (Yearly)

Mo/Dy/Yr Sun Moon Merc Venu Mars Jupi Satu Uran Nept Plut
1/1/20 10Cp57 27Pi17 5Cp51 15Aq33 29Sc00 6Cp53 21Cp30 2Ta41 16Pi16 22Cp24
1/2/20 11Cp59 9Ar09 7Cp26 16Aq47 29Sc41 7Cp07 21Cp37 2Ta40 16Pi18 22Cp26
1/3/20 13Cp00 21Ar05 9Cp02 18Aq00 0Sg21 7Cp20 21Cp44 2Ta40 16Pi19 22Cp28
1/4/20 14Cp01 3Ta10 10Cp37 19Aq13 1Sg02 7Cp34 21Cp51 2Ta39 16Pi20 22Cp30
1/5/20 15Cp02 15Ta28 12Cp13 20Aq27 1Sg42 7Cp48 21Cp58 2Ta39 16Pi21 22Cp32
1/6/20 16Cp03 28Ta03 13Cp49 21Aq40 2Sg23 8Cp02 22Cp05 2Ta39 16Pi23 22Cp34
1/7/20 17Cp04 10Ge58 15Cp26 22Aq53 3Sg03 8Cp15 22Cp12 2Ta39 16Pi24 22Cp36
1/8/20 18Cp06 24Ge14 17Cp03 24Aq06 3Sg43 8Cp29 22Cp19 2Ta39 16Pi25 22Cp38
1/9/20 19Cp07 7Cn53 18Cp41 25Aq19 4Sg24 8Cp43 22Cp26 2Ta39 16Pi27 22Cp40
1/10/20 20Cp08 21Cn51 20Cp19 26Aq32 5Sg05 8Cp57 22Cp33 2Ta38 16Pi28 22Cp42
1/11/20 21Cp09 6Le07 21Cp57 27Aq45 5Sg45 9Cp10 22Cp41 2Ta39 16Pi30 22Cp45
1/12/20 22Cp10 20Le33 23Cp36 28Aq58 6Sg26 9Cp24 22Cp48 2Ta39 16Pi31 22Cp47
1/13/20 23Cp11 5Vi06 25Cp16 0Pi11 7Sg06 9Cp38 22Cp55 2Ta39 16Pi33 22Cp49
1/14/20 24Cp12 19Vi38 26Cp55 1Pi24 7Sg47 9Cp51 23Cp02 2Ta39 16Pi34 22Cp51
1/15/20 25Cp13 4Li04 28Cp36 2Pi37 8Sg28 10Cp05 23Cp09 2Ta39 16Pi36 22Cp53
1/16/20 26Cp14 18Li21 0Aq16 3Pi49 9Sg08 10Cp19 23Cp16 2Ta39 16Pi37 22Cp55
1/17/20 27Cp16 2Sc26 1Aq58 5Pi02 9Sg49 10Cp32 23Cp23 2Ta40 16Pi39 22Cp57
1/18/20 28Cp17 16Sc17 3Aq39 6Pi15 10Sg30 10Cp46 23Cp30 2Ta40 16Pi41 22Cp59
1/19/20 29Cp18 29Sc54 5Aq21 7Pi27 11Sg10 10Cp59 23Cp37 2Ta41 16Pi42 23Cp01
1/20/20 0Aq19 13Sg18 7Aq04 8Pi39 11Sg51 11Cp13 23Cp45 2Ta41 16Pi44 23Cp03
1/21/20 1Aq20 26Sg28 8Aq46 9Pi52 12Sg32 11Cp26 23Cp52 2Ta42 16Pi46 23Cp05
1/22/20 2Aq21 9Cp26 10Aq29 11Pi04 13Sg13 11Cp40 23Cp59 2Ta42 16Pi48 23Cp07
1/23/20 3Aq22 22Cp12 12Aq13 12Pi16 13Sg53 11Cp53 24Cp06 2Ta43 16Pi49 23Cp09
1/24/20 4Aq23 4Aq47 13Aq56 13Pi28 14Sg34 12Cp06 24Cp13 2Ta43 16Pi51 23Cp11
1/25/20 5Aq24 17Aq10 15Aq40 14Pi40 15Sg15 12Cp20 24Cp20 2Ta44 16Pi53 23Cp13
1/26/20 6Aq25 29Aq23 17Aq23 15Pi52 15Sg56 12Cp33 24Cp27 2Ta45 16Pi55 23Cp15
1/27/20 7Aq26 11Pi27 19Aq06 17Pi04 16Sg37 12Cp46 24Cp34 2Ta46 16Pi57 23Cp17
1/28/20 8Aq27 23Pi24 20Aq49 18Pi16 17Sg18 13Cp00 24Cp41 2Ta47 16Pi58 23Cp18
1/29/20 9Aq28 5Ar16 22Aq31 19Pi27 17Sg59 13Cp13 24Cp48 2Ta48 17Pi00 23Cp20
1/30/20 10Aq29 17Ar07 24Aq12 20Pi39 18Sg40 13Cp26 24Cp55 2Ta49 17Pi02 23Cp22
1/31/20 11Aq30 29Ar01 25Aq52 21Pi50 19Sg21 13Cp39 25Cp02 2Ta50 17Pi04 23Cp24
2/1/20 12Aq31 11Ta03 27Aq31 23Pi01 20Sg02 13Cp52 25Cp09 2Ta51 17Pi06 23Cp26
2/2/20 13Aq32 23Ta17 29Aq08 24Pi13 20Sg43 14Cp05 25Cp15 2Ta52 17Pi08 23Cp28
2/3/20 14Aq33 5Ge47 0Pi42 25Pi24 21Sg24 14Cp18 25Cp22 2Ta53 17Pi10 23Cp30
2/4/20 15Aq34 18Ge39 2Pi14 26Pi35 22Sg05 14Cp31 25Cp29 2Ta55 17Pi12 23Cp32
2/5/20 16Aq34 1Cn57 3Pi42 27Pi45 22Sg46 14Cp43 25Cp36 2Ta56 17Pi14 23Cp34
2/6/20 17Aq35 15Cn41 5Pi06 28Pi56 23Sg27 14Cp56 25Cp43 2Ta57 17Pi16 23Cp36
2/7/20 18Aq36 29Cn51 6Pi25 0Ar07 24Sg08 15Cp09 25Cp50 2Ta59 17Pi18 23Cp38
2/8/20 19Aq37 14Le26 7Pi39 1Ar17 24Sg49 15Cp22 25Cp56 3Ta00 17Pi20 23Cp39
2/9/20 20Aq38 29Le17 8Pi47 2Ar28 25Sg30 15Cp34 26Cp03 3Ta02 17Pi22 23Cp41
2/10/20 21Aq38 14Vi18 9Pi49 3Ar38 26Sg11 15Cp47 26Cp10 3Ta03 17Pi24 23Cp43
2/11/20 22Aq39 29Vi18 10Pi42 4Ar48 26Sg52 15Cp59 26Cp16 3Ta05 17Pi26 23Cp45
2/12/20 23Aq40 14Li09 11Pi27 5Ar58 27Sg33 16Cp12 26Cp23 3Ta06 17Pi28 23Cp47
2/13/20 24Aq40 28Li44 12Pi03 7Ar07 28Sg15 16Cp24 26Cp29 3Ta08 17Pi31 23Cp49
2/14/20 25Aq41 12Sc58 12Pi30 8Ar17 28Sg56 16Cp36 26Cp36 3Ta10 17Pi33 23Cp50
2/15/20 26Aq42 26Sc49 12Pi47 9Ar27 29Sg37 16Cp48 26Cp42 3Ta11 17Pi35 23Cp52
2/16/20 27Aq42 10Sg19 12Pi53 10Ar36 0Cp18 17Cp01 26Cp49 3Ta13 17Pi37 23Cp54
2/17/20 28Aq43 23Sg28 12Pi49 11Ar45 1Cp00 17Cp13 26Cp55 3Ta15 17Pi39 23Cp56
2/18/20 29Aq43 6Cp21 12Pi34 12Ar54 1Cp41 17Cp25 27Cp02 3Ta17 17Pi41 23Cp57
2/19/20 0Pi44 19Cp00 12Pi10 14Ar03 2Cp22 17Cp37 27Cp08 3Ta19 17Pi44 23Cp59
2/20/20 1Pi44 1Aq27 11Pi36 15Ar12 3Cp04 17Cp48 27Cp14 3Ta21 17Pi46 24Cp01
2/21/20 2Pi45 13Aq45 10Pi53 16Ar20 3Cp45 18Cp00 27Cp21 3Ta23 17Pi48 24Cp02
2/22/20 3Pi45 25Aq55 10Pi03 17Ar28 4Cp26 18Cp12 27Cp27 3Ta25 17Pi50 24Cp04
2/23/20 4Pi46 7Pi58 9Pi07 18Ar37 5Cp08 18Cp24 27Cp33 3Ta27 17Pi52 24Cp06
2/24/20 5Pi46 19Pi56 8Pi07 19Ar45 5Cp49 18Cp35 27Cp39 3Ta29 17Pi55 24Cp07
2/25/20 6Pi47 1Ar50 7Pi03 20Ar52 6Cp30 18Cp47 27Cp45 3Ta32 17Pi57 24Cp09
2/26/20 7Pi47 13Ar42 5Pi58 22Ar00 7Cp12 18Cp58 27Cp51 3Ta34 17Pi59 24Cp10
2/27/20 8Pi47 25Ar33 4Pi54 23Ar07 7Cp53 19Cp09 27Cp57 3Ta36 18Pi01 24Cp12
2/28/20 9Pi47 7Ta27 3Pi51 24Ar14 8Cp35 19Cp20 28Cp03 3Ta38 18Pi04 24Cp13
2/29/20 10Pi48 19Ta27 2Pi51 25Ar21 9Cp16 19Cp32 28Cp09 3Ta41 18Pi06 24Cp15
3/1/20 11Pi48 1Ge37 1Pi55 26Ar28 9Cp57 19Cp43 28Cp15 3Ta43 18Pi08 24Cp16
3/2/20 12Pi48 14Ge02 1Pi05 27Ar35 10Cp39 19Cp53 28Cp21 3Ta46 18Pi11 24Cp18
3/3/20 13Pi48 26Ge48 0Pi20 28Ar41 11Cp20 20Cp04 28Cp26 3Ta48 18Pi13 24Cp19
3/4/20 14Pi48 9Cn58 29Aq42 29Ar47 12Cp02 20Cp15 28Cp32 3Ta51 18Pi15 24Cp21
3/5/20 15Pi49 23Cn37 29Aq11 0Ta53 12Cp43 20Cp26 28Cp38 3Ta53 18Pi17 24Cp22
3/6/20 16Pi49 7Le45 28Aq46 1Ta58 13Cp25 20Cp36 28Cp43 3Ta56 18Pi20 24Cp24
3/7/20 17Pi49 22Le22 28Aq28 3Ta03 14Cp06 20Cp47 28Cp49 3Ta58 18Pi22 24Cp25
3/8/20 18Pi49 7Vi22 28Aq17 4Ta08 14Cp48 20Cp57 28Cp54 4Ta01 18Pi24 24Cp26
3/9/20 19Pi48 22Vi38 28Aq12 5Ta13 15Cp30 21Cp07 28Cp59 4Ta04 18Pi26 24Cp28
3/10/20 20Pi48 7Li57 28Aq14 6Ta17 16Cp11 21Cp17 29Cp05 4Ta06 18Pi29 24Cp29
3/11/20 21Pi48 23Li09 28Aq22 7Ta21 16Cp53 21Cp27 29Cp10 4Ta09 18Pi31 24Cp30
3/12/20 22Pi48 8Sc03 28Aq35 8Ta25 17Cp34 21Cp37 29Cp15 4Ta12 18Pi33 24Cp31
3/13/20 23Pi48 22Sc33 28Aq54 9Ta29 18Cp16 21Cp47 29Cp20 4Ta14 18Pi36 24Cp33
3/14/20 24Pi48 6Sg35 29Aq18 10Ta32 18Cp57 21Cp57 29Cp25 4Ta17 18Pi38 24Cp34
3/15/20 25Pi48 20Sg09 29Aq47 11Ta35 19Cp39 22Cp06 29Cp30 4Ta20 18Pi40 24Cp35
3/16/20 26Pi47 3Cp18 0Pi21 12Ta37 20Cp21 22Cp16 29Cp35 4Ta23 18Pi42 24Cp36
3/17/20 27Pi47 16Cp05 0Pi58 13Ta39 21Cp02 22Cp25 29Cp40 4Ta26 18Pi45 24Cp37
3/18/20 28Pi47 28Cp35 1Pi40 14Ta41 21Cp44 22Cp34 29Cp45 4Ta29 18Pi47 24Cp38
3/19/20 29Pi46 10Aq51 2Pi25 15Ta43 22Cp26 22Cp44 29Cp49 4Ta32 18Pi49 24Cp39
3/20/20 0Ar46 22Aq58 3Pi14 16Ta44 23Cp07 22Cp53 29Cp54 4Ta35 18Pi51 24Cp40
3/21/20 1Ar46 4Pi58 4Pi06 17Ta44 23Cp49 23Cp01 29Cp58 4Ta38 18Pi54 24Cp41
3/22/20 2Ar45 16Pi54 5Pi01 18Ta45 24Cp31 23Cp10 0Aq03 4Ta41 18Pi56 24Cp42
3/23/20 3Ar45 28Pi47 5Pi59 19Ta45 25Cp12 23Cp19 0Aq07 4Ta44 18Pi58 24Cp43
3/24/20 4Ar44 10Ar39 7Pi00 20Ta44 25Cp54 23Cp27 0Aq12 4Ta47 19Pi00 24Cp44
3/25/20 5Ar44 22Ar31 8Pi03 21Ta43 26Cp36 23Cp36 0Aq16 4Ta50 19Pi02 24Cp45
3/26/20 6Ar43 4Ta25 9Pi09 22Ta42 27Cp18 23Cp44 0Aq20 4Ta53 19Pi05 24Cp46
3/27/20 7Ar42 16Ta22 10Pi18 23Ta40 27Cp59 23Cp52 0Aq24 4Ta56 19Pi07 24Cp47
3/28/20 8Ar42 28Ta25 11Pi28 24Ta37 28Cp41 24Cp00 0Aq28 4Ta59 19Pi09 24Cp48
3/29/20 9Ar41 10Ge37 12Pi41 25Ta34 29Cp23 24Cp08 0Aq32 5Ta03 19Pi11 24Cp48
3/30/20 10Ar40 23Ge03 13Pi55 26Ta31 0Aq04 24Cp15 0Aq36 5Ta06 19Pi13 24Cp49
3/31/20 11Ar40 5Cn45 15Pi12 27Ta27 0Aq46 24Cp23 0Aq40 5Ta09 19Pi16 24Cp50
4/1/20 12Ar39 18Cn49 16Pi30 28Ta22 1Aq28 24Cp30 0Aq43 5Ta12 19Pi18 24Cp51
4/2/20 13Ar38 2Le19 17Pi51 29Ta17 2Aq09 24Cp37 0Aq47 5Ta16 19Pi20 24Cp51
4/3/20 14Ar37 16Le17 19Pi13 0Ge12 2Aq51 24Cp45 0Aq51 5Ta19 19Pi22 24Cp52
4/4/20 15Ar36 0Vi44 20Pi37 1Ge05 3Aq33 24Cp52 0Aq54 5Ta22 19Pi24 24Cp53
4/5/20 16Ar35 15Vi36 22Pi02 1Ge58 4Aq15 24Cp58 0Aq57 5Ta25 19Pi26 24Cp53
4/6/20 17Ar34 0Li47 23Pi29 2Ge50 4Aq56 25Cp05 1Aq01 5Ta29 19Pi28 24Cp54
4/7/20 18Ar33 16Li07 24Pi58 3Ge42 5Aq38 25Cp12 1Aq04 5Ta32 19Pi30 24Cp54
4/8/20 19Ar32 1Sc25 26Pi29 4Ge33 6Aq20 25Cp18 1Aq07 5Ta35 19Pi32 24Cp55
4/9/20 20Ar31 16Sc28 28Pi01 5Ge23 7Aq01 25Cp24 1Aq10 5Ta39 19Pi34 24Cp55
4/10/20 21Ar30 1Sg10 29Pi35 6Ge12 7Aq43 25Cp30 1Aq13 5Ta42 19Pi36 24Cp56
4/11/20 22Ar29 15Sg23 1Ar10 7Ge01 8Aq25 25Cp36 1Aq16 5Ta46 19Pi38 24Cp56
4/12/20 23Ar28 29Sg07 2Ar47 7Ge49 9Aq07 25Cp42 1Aq18 5Ta49 19Pi40 24Cp57
4/13/20 24Ar26 12Cp22 4Ar25 8Ge36 9Aq48 25Cp47 1Aq21 5Ta52 19Pi42 24Cp57
4/14/20 25Ar25 25Cp13 6Ar06 9Ge22 10Aq30 25Cp53 1Aq24 5Ta56 19Pi44 24Cp57
4/15/20 26Ar24 7Aq43 7Ar47 10Ge07 11Aq12 25Cp58 1Aq26 5Ta59 19Pi46 24Cp58
4/16/20 27Ar23 19Aq57 9Ar30 10Ge51 11Aq53 26Cp03 1Aq28 6Ta03 19Pi48 24Cp58
4/17/20 28Ar21 2Pi00 11Ar15 11Ge34 12Aq35 26Cp08 1Aq31 6Ta06 19Pi50 24Cp58
4/18/20 29Ar20 13Pi56 13Ar02 12Ge16 13Aq17 26Cp13 1Aq33 6Ta09 19Pi52 24Cp58
4/19/20 0Ta18 25Pi48 14Ar50 12Ge57 13Aq58 26Cp17 1Aq35 6Ta13 19Pi54 24Cp59
4/20/20 1Ta17 7Ar39 16Ar40 13Ge37 14Aq40 26Cp22 1Aq37 6Ta16 19Pi55 24Cp59
4/21/20 2Ta16 19Ar32 18Ar31 14Ge16 15Aq21 26Cp26 1Aq39 6Ta20 19Pi57 24Cp59
4/22/20 3Ta14 1Ta27 20Ar24 14Ge54 16Aq03 26Cp30 1Aq41 6Ta23 19Pi59 24Cp59
4/23/20 4Ta13 13Ta26 22Ar18 15Ge30 16Aq45 26Cp34 1Aq42 6Ta27 20Pi01 24Cp59
4/24/20 5Ta11 25Ta32 24Ar15 16Ge05 17Aq26 26Cp38 1Aq44 6Ta30 20Pi03 24Cp59
4/25/20 6Ta10 7Ge44 26Ar12 16Ge39 18Aq08 26Cp41 1Aq46 6Ta34 20Pi04 24Cp59
4/26/20 7Ta08 20Ge06 28Ar12 17Ge11 18Aq49 26Cp45 1Aq47 6Ta37 20Pi06 24Cp59
4/27/20 8Ta06 2Cn39 0Ta13 17Ge42 19Aq31 26Cp48 1Aq48 6Ta40 20Pi08 24Cp59
4/28/20 9Ta05 15Cn28 2Ta15 18Ge11 20Aq12 26Cp51 1Aq50 6Ta44 20Pi09 24Cp59
4/29/20 10Ta03 28Cn34 4Ta19 18Ge39 20Aq54 26Cp54 1Aq51 6Ta47 20Pi11 24Cp59
4/30/20 11Ta01 12Le01 6Ta24 19Ge05 21Aq35 26Cp56 1Aq52 6Ta51 20Pi13 24Cp59
5/1/20 11Ta59 25Le51 8Ta31 19Ge30 22Aq16 26Cp59 1Aq53 6Ta54 20Pi14 24Cp58
5/2/20 12Ta58 10Vi04 10Ta39 19Ge52 22Aq58 27Cp01 1Aq54 6Ta58 20Pi16 24Cp58
5/3/20 13Ta56 24Vi40 12Ta47 20Ge13 23Aq39 27Cp03 1Aq54 7Ta01 20Pi17 24Cp58
5/4/20 14Ta54 9Li33 14Ta56 20Ge32 24Aq20 27Cp05 1Aq55 7Ta05 20Pi19 24Cp58
5/5/20 15Ta52 24Li37 17Ta06 20Ge49 25Aq02 27Cp07 1Aq56 7Ta08 20Pi20 24Cp58
5/6/20 16Ta50 9Sc41 19Ta16 21Ge04 25Aq43 27Cp08 1Aq56 7Ta11 20Pi22 24Cp57
5/7/20 17Ta48 24Sc37 21Ta27 21Ge17 26Aq24 27Cp10 1Aq56 7Ta15 20Pi23 24Cp57
5/8/20 18Ta46 9Sg16 23Ta37 21Ge28 27Aq05 27Cp11 1Aq57 7Ta18 20Pi25 24Cp57
5/9/20 19Ta44 23Sg32 25Ta46 21Ge37 27Aq46 27Cp12 1Aq57 7Ta22 20Pi26 24Cp56
5/10/20 20Ta42 7Cp21 27Ta55 21Ge44 28Aq28 27Cp13 1Aq57 7Ta25 20Pi27 24Cp56
5/11/20 21Ta40 20Cp43 0Ge02 21Ge48 29Aq09 27Cp13 1Aq57 7Ta28 20Pi29 24Cp55
5/12/20 22Ta38 3Aq40 2Ge09 21Ge50 29Aq50 27Cp14 1Aq57 7Ta32 20Pi30 24Cp55
5/13/20 23Ta36 16Aq15 4Ge13 21Ge49 0Pi31 27Cp14 1Aq57 7Ta35 20Pi31 24Cp54
5/14/20 24Ta34 28Aq32 6Ge16 21Ge47 1Pi12 27Cp14 1Aq56 7Ta38 20Pi32 24Cp54
5/15/20 25Ta31 10Pi36 8Ge17 21Ge42 1Pi53 27Cp14 1Aq56 7Ta42 20Pi34 24Cp53
5/16/20 26Ta29 22Pi32 10Ge15 21Ge34 2Pi33 27Cp13 1Aq55 7Ta45 20Pi35 24Cp53
5/17/20 27Ta27 4Ar24 12Ge11 21Ge24 3Pi14 27Cp13 1Aq55 7Ta48 20Pi36 24Cp52
5/18/20 28Ta25 16Ar16 14Ge05 21Ge12 3Pi55 27Cp12 1Aq54 7Ta52 20Pi37 24Cp51
5/19/20 29Ta23 28Ar10 15Ge55 20Ge57 4Pi36 27Cp11 1Aq53 7Ta55 20Pi38 24Cp51
5/20/20 0Ge20 10Ta10 17Ge43 20Ge40 5Pi16 27Cp10 1Aq52 7Ta58 20Pi39 24Cp50
5/21/20 1Ge18 22Ta18 19Ge28 20Ge20 5Pi57 27Cp09 1Aq51 8Ta01 20Pi40 24Cp49
5/22/20 2Ge16 4Ge35 21Ge10 19Ge58 6Pi37 27Cp07 1Aq50 8Ta05 20Pi41 24Cp49
5/23/20 3Ge14 17Ge01 22Ge48 19Ge35 7Pi18 27Cp06 1Aq49 8Ta08 20Pi42 24Cp48
5/24/20 4Ge11 29Ge40 24Ge24 19Ge09 7Pi58 27Cp04 1Aq48 8Ta11 20Pi43 24Cp47
5/25/20 5Ge09 12Cn30 25Ge56 18Ge41 8Pi39 27Cp02 1Aq46 8Ta14 20Pi44 24Cp46
5/26/20 6Ge07 25Cn34 27Ge26 18Ge11 9Pi19 26Cp59 1Aq45 8Ta17 20Pi45 24Cp46
5/27/20 7Ge04 8Le53 28Ge52 17Ge39 9Pi59 26Cp57 1Aq43 8Ta21 20Pi46 24Cp45
5/28/20 8Ge02 22Le27 0Cn14 17Ge06 10Pi39 26Cp54 1Aq42 8Ta24 20Pi47 24Cp44
5/29/20 8Ge59 6Vi17 1Cn34 16Ge32 11Pi19 26Cp52 1Aq40 8Ta27 20Pi48 24Cp43
5/30/20 9Ge57 20Vi23 2Cn50 15Ge56 11Pi59 26Cp49 1Aq38 8Ta30 20Pi48 24Cp42
5/31/20 10Ge54 4Li44 4Cn02 15Ge20 12Pi39 26Cp46 1Aq36 8Ta33 20Pi49 24Cp41
6/1/20 11Ge52 19Li16 5Cn11 14Ge43 13Pi19 26Cp42 1Aq34 8Ta36 20Pi50 24Cp40
6/2/20 12Ge49 3Sc55 6Cn17 14Ge05 13Pi58 26Cp39 1Aq32 8Ta39 20Pi50 24Cp39
6/3/20 13Ge47 18Sc35 7Cn19 13Ge28 14Pi38 26Cp35 1Aq30 8Ta42 20Pi51 24Cp38
6/4/20 14Ge44 3Sg10 8Cn17 12Ge50 15Pi18 26Cp31 1Aq28 8Ta45 20Pi52 24Cp37
6/5/20 15Ge41 17Sg32 9Cn12 12Ge12 15Pi57 26Cp27 1Aq25 8Ta48 20Pi52 24Cp36
6/6/20 16Ge39 1Cp36 10Cn03 11Ge36 16Pi36 26Cp23 1Aq23 8Ta51 20Pi53 24Cp35
6/7/20 17Ge36 15Cp20 10Cn50 11Ge00 17Pi16 26Cp19 1Aq20 8Ta54 20Pi53 24Cp34
6/8/20 18Ge34 28Cp41 11Cn32 10Ge24 17Pi55 26Cp14 1Aq18 8Ta56 20Pi54 24Cp33
6/9/20 19Ge31 11Aq40 12Cn11 9Ge51 18Pi34 26Cp10 1Aq15 8Ta59 20Pi54 24Cp32
6/10/20 20Ge28 24Aq18 12Cn46 9Ge18 19Pi13 26Cp05 1Aq13 9Ta02 20Pi55 24Cp31
6/11/20 21Ge26 6Pi39 13Cn16 8Ge47 19Pi52 26Cp00 1Aq10 9Ta05 20Pi55 24Cp30
6/12/20 22Ge23 18Pi46 13Cn42 8Ge18 20Pi30 25Cp55 1Aq07 9Ta08 20Pi55 24Cp28
6/13/20 23Ge20 0Ar43 14Cn04 7Ge51 21Pi09 25Cp50 1Aq04 9Ta10 20Pi56 24Cp27
6/14/20 24Ge18 12Ar37 14Cn21 7Ge26 21Pi47 25Cp44 1Aq01 9Ta13 20Pi56 24Cp26
6/15/20 25Ge15 24Ar30 14Cn34 7Ge03 22Pi26 25Cp39 0Aq58 9Ta16 20Pi56 24Cp25
6/16/20 26Ge12 6Ta27 14Cn42 6Ge42 23Pi04 25Cp33 0Aq55 9Ta18 20Pi56 24Cp24
6/17/20 27Ge10 18Ta31 14Cn45 6Ge23 23Pi42 25Cp27 0Aq51 9Ta21 20Pi57 24Cp22
6/18/20 28Ge07 0Ge47 14Cn44 6Ge07 24Pi20 25Cp21 0Aq48 9Ta23 20Pi57 24Cp21
6/19/20 29Ge04 13Ge15 14Cn39 5Ge53 24Pi58 25Cp15 0Aq45 9Ta26 20Pi57 24Cp20
6/20/20 0Cn01 25Ge58 14Cn29 5Ge42 25Pi36 25Cp09 0Aq41 9Ta28 20Pi57 24Cp19
6/21/20 0Cn59 8Cn56 14Cn15 5Ge33 26Pi13 25Cp03 0Aq38 9Ta31 20Pi57 24Cp17
6/22/20 1Cn56 22Cn09 13Cn57 5Ge26 26Pi50 24Cp56 0Aq34 9Ta33 20Pi57 24Cp16
6/23/20 2Cn53 5Le37 13Cn35 5Ge22 27Pi28 24Cp50 0Aq31 9Ta36 20Pi57 24Cp15
6/24/20 3Cn50 19Le17 13Cn10 5Ge20 28Pi05 24Cp43 0Aq27 9Ta38 20Pi57 24Cp13
6/25/20 4Cn48 3Vi09 12Cn41 5Ge20 28Pi41 24Cp36 0Aq23 9Ta40 20Pi57 24Cp12
6/26/20 5Cn45 17Vi10 12Cn10 5Ge23 29Pi18 24Cp29 0Aq19 9Ta42 20Pi57 24Cp11
6/27/20 6Cn42 1Li19 11Cn37 5Ge28 29Pi55 24Cp22 0Aq15 9Ta45 20Pi57 24Cp09
6/28/20 7Cn39 15Li33 11Cn03 5Ge35 0Ar31 24Cp15 0Aq12 9Ta47 20Pi57 24Cp08
6/29/20 8Cn37 29Li50 10Cn27 5Ge44 1Ar07 24Cp08 0Aq08 9Ta49 20Pi56 24Cp06
6/30/20 9Cn34 14Sc06 9Cn51 5Ge55 1Ar43 24Cp01 0Aq04 9Ta51 20Pi56 24Cp05
7/1/20 10Cn31 28Sc19 9Cn15 6Ge09 2Ar19 23Cp54 0Aq00 9Ta53 20Pi56 24Cp04
7/2/20 11Cn28 12Sg26 8Cn40 6Ge24 2Ar54 23Cp46 29Cp56 9Ta55 20Pi56 24Cp02
7/3/20 12Cn25 26Sg23 8Cn06 6Ge41 3Ar30 23Cp39 29Cp52 9Ta57 20Pi55 24Cp01
7/4/20 13Cn22 10Cp06 7Cn34 7Ge00 4Ar05 23Cp32 29Cp47 9Ta59 20Pi55 23Cp59
7/5/20 14Cn20 23Cp34 7Cn05 7Ge21 4Ar40 23Cp24 29Cp43 10Ta01 20Pi54 23Cp58
7/6/20 15Cn17 6Aq45 6Cn39 7Ge44 5Ar15 23Cp17 29Cp39 10Ta03 20Pi54 23Cp57
7/7/20 16Cn14 19Aq38 6Cn16 8Ge08 5Ar49 23Cp09 29Cp35 10Ta05 20Pi54 23Cp55
7/8/20 17Cn11 2Pi14 5Cn58 8Ge34 6Ar23 23Cp01 29Cp31 10Ta07 20Pi53 23Cp54
7/9/20 18Cn08 14Pi34 5Cn44 9Ge01 6Ar57 22Cp54 29Cp26 10Ta08 20Pi53 23Cp52
7/10/20 19Cn06 26Pi42 5Cn34 9Ge31 7Ar31 22Cp46 29Cp22 10Ta10 20Pi52 23Cp51
7/11/20 20Cn03 8Ar40 5Cn29 10Ge01 8Ar05 22Cp38 29Cp18 10Ta12 20Pi51 23Cp49
7/12/20 21Cn00 20Ar34 5Cn30 10Ge33 8Ar38 22Cp31 29Cp13 10Ta13 20Pi51 23Cp48
7/13/20 21Cn57 2Ta27 5Cn36 11Ge06 9Ar11 22Cp23 29Cp09 10Ta15 20Pi50 23Cp47
7/14/20 22Cn54 14Ta25 5Cn47 11Ge41 9Ar44 22Cp15 29Cp04 10Ta17 20Pi50 23Cp45
7/15/20 23Cn52 26Ta31 6Cn03 12Ge17 10Ar16 22Cp07 29Cp00 10Ta18 20Pi49 23Cp44
7/16/20 24Cn49 8Ge51 6Cn25 12Ge54 10Ar48 22Cp00 28Cp56 10Ta20 20Pi48 23Cp42
7/17/20 25Cn46 21Ge28 6Cn53 13Ge32 11Ar20 21Cp52 28Cp51 10Ta21 20Pi47 23Cp41
7/18/20 26Cn44 4Cn24 7Cn26 14Ge11 11Ar52 21Cp44 28Cp47 10Ta22 20Pi47 23Cp39
7/19/20 27Cn41 17Cn41 8Cn04 14Ge51 12Ar23 21Cp37 28Cp42 10Ta24 20Pi46 23Cp38
7/20/20 28Cn38 1Le17 8Cn48 15Ge33 12Ar54 21Cp29 28Cp38 10Ta25 20Pi45 23Cp36
7/21/20 29Cn35 15Le11 9Cn38 16Ge15 13Ar25 21Cp21 28Cp34 10Ta26 20Pi44 23Cp35
7/22/20 0Le33 29Le19 10Cn32 16Ge58 13Ar55 21Cp14 28Cp29 10Ta27 20Pi43 23Cp34
7/23/20 1Le30 13Vi36 11Cn32 17Ge43 14Ar25 21Cp06 28Cp25 10Ta28 20Pi42 23Cp32
7/24/20 2Le27 27Vi58 12Cn37 18Ge28 14Ar54 20Cp59 28Cp20 10Ta29 20Pi41 23Cp31
7/25/20 3Le25 12Li20 13Cn47 19Ge14 15Ar24 20Cp51 28Cp16 10Ta31 20Pi40 23Cp29
7/26/20 4Le22 26Li38 15Cn03 20Ge00 15Ar52 20Cp44 28Cp11 10Ta32 20Pi39 23Cp28
7/27/20 5Le19 10Sc48 16Cn23 20Ge48 16Ar21 20Cp37 28Cp07 10Ta32 20Pi38 23Cp26
7/28/20 6Le17 24Sc50 17Cn47 21Ge36 16Ar49 20Cp30 28Cp03 10Ta33 20Pi37 23Cp25
7/29/20 7Le14 8Sg42 19Cn17 22Ge25 17Ar17 20Cp22 27Cp58 10Ta34 20Pi36 23Cp24
7/30/20 8Le11 22Sg24 20Cn50 23Ge15 17Ar44 20Cp15 27Cp54 10Ta35 20Pi35 23Cp22
7/31/20 9Le09 5Cp55 22Cn28 24Ge05 18Ar11 20Cp08 27Cp50 10Ta36 20Pi34 23Cp21
8/1/20 10Le06 19Cp14 24Cn10 24Ge57 18Ar37 20Cp02 27Cp45 10Ta36 20Pi33 23Cp19
8/2/20 11Le04 2Aq21 25Cn55 25Ge48 19Ar03 19Cp55 27Cp41 10Ta37 20Pi32 23Cp18
8/3/20 12Le01 15Aq15 27Cn44 26Ge41 19Ar29 19Cp48 27Cp37 10Ta38 20Pi31 23Cp17
8/4/20 12Le58 27Aq56 29Cn36 27Ge34 19Ar54 19Cp42 27Cp33 10Ta38 20Pi29 23Cp15
8/5/20 13Le56 10Pi24 1Le30 28Ge27 20Ar19 19Cp35 27Cp28 10Ta39 20Pi28 23Cp14
8/6/20 14Le53 22Pi39 3Le27 29Ge21 20Ar43 19Cp29 27Cp24 10Ta39 20Pi27 23Cp13
8/7/20 15Le51 4Ar44 5Le26 0Cn16 21Ar06 19Cp23 27Cp20 10Ta40 20Pi26 23Cp11
8/8/20 16Le48 16Ar40 7Le26 1Cn11 21Ar30 19Cp16 27Cp16 10Ta40 20Pi24 23Cp10
8/9/20 17Le46 28Ar32 9Le27 2Cn07 21Ar52 19Cp10 27Cp12 10Ta40 20Pi23 23Cp09
8/10/20 18Le43 10Ta24 11Le30 3Cn03 22Ar14 19Cp05 27Cp08 10Ta40 20Pi22 23Cp07
8/11/20 19Le41 22Ta20 13Le33 4Cn00 22Ar36 18Cp59 27Cp04 10Ta41 20Pi20 23Cp06
8/12/20 20Le39 4Ge26 15Le36 4Cn57 22Ar57 18Cp53 27Cp00 10Ta41 20Pi19 23Cp05
8/13/20 21Le36 16Ge46 17Le39 5Cn54 23Ar17 18Cp48 26Cp57 10Ta41 20Pi18 23Cp04
8/14/20 22Le34 29Ge25 19Le42 6Cn52 23Ar37 18Cp43 26Cp53 10Ta41 20Pi16 23Cp02
8/15/20 23Le31 12Cn28 21Le44 7Cn51 23Ar57 18Cp38 26Cp49 10Ta41 20Pi15 23Cp01
8/16/20 24Le29 25Cn55 23Le45 8Cn50 24Ar15 18Cp33 26Cp45 10Ta41 20Pi13 23Cp00
8/17/20 25Le27 9Le48 25Le46 9Cn49 24Ar33 18Cp28 26Cp42 10Ta41 20Pi12 22Cp59
8/18/20 26Le25 24Le04 27Le46 10Cn48 24Ar51 18Cp23 26Cp38 10Ta41 20Pi10 22Cp58
8/19/20 27Le22 8Vi38 29Le45 11Cn48 25Ar07 18Cp19 26Cp35 10Ta41 20Pi09 22Cp57
8/20/20 28Le20 23Vi22 1Vi42 12Cn49 25Ar24 18Cp14 26Cp31 10Ta40 20Pi07 22Cp55
8/21/20 29Le18 8Li10 3Vi39 13Cn49 25Ar39 18Cp10 26Cp28 10Ta40 20Pi06 22Cp54
8/22/20 0Vi16 22Li52 5Vi34 14Cn50 25Ar54 18Cp06 26Cp25 10Ta40 20Pi04 22Cp53
8/23/20 1Vi14 7Sc23 7Vi28 15Cn52 26Ar08 18Cp02 26Cp21 10Ta39 20Pi03 22Cp52
8/24/20 2Vi12 21Sc38 9Vi21 16Cn53 26Ar21 17Cp59 26Cp18 10Ta39 20Pi01 22Cp51
8/25/20 3Vi09 5Sg36 11Vi12 17Cn55 26Ar33 17Cp55 26Cp15 10Ta38 20Pi00 22Cp50
8/26/20 4Vi07 19Sg18 13Vi02 18Cn58 26Ar45 17Cp52 26Cp12 10Ta38 19Pi58 22Cp49
8/27/20 5Vi05 2Cp43 14Vi50 20Cn00 26Ar56 17Cp49 26Cp09 10Ta37 19Pi57 22Cp48
8/28/20 6Vi03 15Cp54 16Vi38 21Cn03 27Ar07 17Cp46 26Cp06 10Ta37 19Pi55 22Cp47
8/29/20 7Vi01 28Cp52 18Vi24 22Cn06 27Ar16 17Cp43 26Cp03 10Ta36 19Pi53 22Cp46
8/30/20 7Vi59 11Aq39 20Vi09 23Cn09 27Ar25 17Cp40 26Cp01 10Ta35 19Pi52 22Cp45
8/31/20 8Vi57 24Aq15 21Vi52 24Cn13 27Ar33 17Cp38 25Cp58 10Ta34 19Pi50 22Cp44
9/1/20 9Vi55 6Pi41 23Vi34 25Cn17 27Ar40 17Cp36 25Cp55 10Ta34 19Pi49 22Cp44
9/2/20 10Vi53 18Pi57 25Vi15 26Cn21 27Ar47 17Cp34 25Cp53 10Ta33 19Pi47 22Cp43
9/3/20 11Vi51 1Ar05 26Vi55 27Cn26 27Ar52 17Cp32 25Cp50 10Ta32 19Pi45 22Cp42
9/4/20 12Vi50 13Ar04 28Vi33 28Cn31 27Ar57 17Cp30 25Cp48 10Ta31 19Pi44 22Cp41
9/5/20 13Vi48 24Ar57 0Li11 29Cn36 28Ar01 17Cp29 25Cp46 10Ta30 19Pi42 22Cp40
9/6/20 14Vi46 6Ta47 1Li47 0Le41 28Ar04 17Cp27 25Cp44 10Ta29 19Pi40 22Cp39
9/7/20 15Vi44 18Ta37 3Li22 1Le46 28Ar06 17Cp26 25Cp42 10Ta28 19Pi39 22Cp39
9/8/20 16Vi42 0Ge31 4Li55 2Le52 28Ar08 17Cp26 25Cp40 10Ta27 19Pi37 22Cp38
9/9/20 17Vi41 12Ge34 6Li28 3Le58 28Ar08 17Cp25 25Cp38 10Ta25 19Pi35 22Cp37
9/10/20 18Vi39 24Ge51 8Li00 5Le04 28Ar08 17Cp24 25Cp36 10Ta24 19Pi34 22Cp37
9/11/20 19Vi37 7Cn28 9Li30 6Le10 28Ar06 17Cp24 25Cp34 10Ta23 19Pi32 22Cp36
9/12/20 20Vi36 20Cn29 10Li59 7Le17 28Ar04 17Cp24 25Cp33 10Ta22 19Pi30 22Cp35
9/13/20 21Vi34 3Le58 12Li27 8Le23 28Ar01 17Cp24 25Cp31 10Ta20 19Pi29 22Cp35
9/14/20 22Vi33 17Le56 13Li54 9Le30 27Ar57 17Cp24 25Cp30 10Ta19 19Pi27 22Cp34
9/15/20 23Vi31 2Vi22 15Li19 10Le38 27Ar52 17Cp25 25Cp28 10Ta17 19Pi26 22Cp34
9/16/20 24Vi30 17Vi11 16Li44 11Le45 27Ar46 17Cp25 25Cp27 10Ta16 19Pi24 22Cp33
9/17/20 25Vi28 2Li15 18Li07 12Le52 27Ar40 17Cp26 25Cp26 10Ta14 19Pi22 22Cp33
9/18/20 26Vi27 17Li25 19Li29 14Le00 27Ar32 17Cp27 25Cp25 10Ta13 19Pi21 22Cp32
9/19/20 27Vi25 2Sc28 20Li50 15Le08 27Ar24 17Cp29 25Cp24 10Ta11 19Pi19 22Cp32
9/20/20 28Vi24 17Sc18 22Li09 16Le16 27Ar15 17Cp30 25Cp23 10Ta10 19Pi17 22Cp31
9/21/20 29Vi23 1Sg47 23Li27 17Le24 27Ar05 17Cp32 25Cp22 10Ta08 19Pi16 22Cp31
9/22/20 0Li22 15Sg52 24Li43 18Le32 26Ar54 17Cp33 25Cp22 10Ta06 19Pi14 22Cp31
9/23/20 1Li20 29Sg34 25Li58 19Le41 26Ar42 17Cp35 25Cp21 10Ta05 19Pi12 22Cp30
9/24/20 2Li19 12Cp54 27Li12 20Le50 26Ar30 17Cp38 25Cp21 10Ta03 19Pi11 22Cp30
9/25/20 3Li18 25Cp55 28Li23 21Le59 26Ar17 17Cp40 25Cp20 10Ta01 19Pi09 22Cp30
9/26/20 4Li17 8Aq40 29Li33 23Le07 26Ar04 17Cp43 25Cp20 9Ta59 19Pi08 22Cp30
9/27/20 5Li16 21Aq12 0Sc41 24Le17 25Ar50 17Cp45 25Cp20 9Ta57 19Pi06 22Cp29
9/28/20 6Li14 3Pi33 1Sc47 25Le26 25Ar35 17Cp48 25Cp20 9Ta55 19Pi05 22Cp29
9/29/20 7Li13 15Pi46 2Sc51 26Le35 25Ar19 17Cp51 25Cp20 9Ta53 19Pi03 22Cp29
9/30/20 8Li12 27Pi51 3Sc53 27Le45 25Ar03 17Cp55 25Cp20 9Ta51 19Pi01 22Cp29
10/1/20 9Li11 9Ar51 4Sc52 28Le55 24Ar47 17Cp58 25Cp20 9Ta49 19Pi00 22Cp29
10/2/20 10Li10 21Ar45 5Sc48 0Vi05 24Ar30 18Cp02 25Cp20 9Ta47 18Pi58 22Cp29
10/3/20 11Li09 3Ta36 6Sc41 1Vi15 24Ar13 18Cp06 25Cp21 9Ta45 18Pi57 22Cp29
10/4/20 12Li08 15Ta25 7Sc31 2Vi25 23Ar55 18Cp10 25Cp21 9Ta43 18Pi55 22Cp29
10/5/20 13Li08 27Ta16 8Sc18 3Vi35 23Ar37 18Cp14 25Cp22 9Ta41 18Pi54 22Cp29
10/6/20 14Li07 9Ge10 9Sc01 4Vi45 23Ar18 18Cp18 25Cp23 9Ta39 18Pi52 22Cp29
10/7/20 15Li06 21Ge13 9Sc39 5Vi56 23Ar00 18Cp23 25Cp24 9Ta37 18Pi51 22Cp29
10/8/20 16Li05 3Cn28 10Sc13 7Vi07 22Ar41 18Cp28 25Cp24 9Ta35 18Pi50 22Cp29
10/9/20 17Li04 16Cn02 10Sc43 8Vi17 22Ar22 18Cp33 25Cp25 9Ta32 18Pi48 22Cp29
10/10/20 18Li04 28Cn58 11Sc06 9Vi28 22Ar02 18Cp38 25Cp27 9Ta30 18Pi47 22Cp29
10/11/20 19Li03 12Le20 11Sc24 10Vi39 21Ar43 18Cp43 25Cp28 9Ta28 18Pi45 22Cp30
10/12/20 20Li02 26Le12 11Sc35 11Vi50 21Ar24 18Cp48 25Cp29 9Ta26 18Pi44 22Cp30
10/13/20 21Li02 10Vi34 11Sc40 13Vi02 21Ar05 18Cp54 25Cp31 9Ta23 18Pi43 22Cp30
10/14/20 22Li01 25Vi22 11Sc37 14Vi13 20Ar46 19Cp00 25Cp32 9Ta21 18Pi41 22Cp30
10/15/20 23Li01 10Li30 11Sc26 15Vi25 20Ar27 19Cp06 25Cp34 9Ta19 18Pi40 22Cp31
10/16/20 24Li00 25Li48 11Sc07 16Vi36 20Ar08 19Cp12 25Cp35 9Ta16 18Pi39 22Cp31
10/17/20 25Li00 11Sc05 10Sc39 17Vi48 19Ar50 19Cp18 25Cp37 9Ta14 18Pi37 22Cp31
10/18/20 26Li00 26Sc09 10Sc03 19Vi00 19Ar32 19Cp24 25Cp39 9Ta12 18Pi36 22Cp32
10/19/20 26Li59 10Sg53 9Sc18 20Vi12 19Ar14 19Cp31 25Cp41 9Ta09 18Pi35 22Cp32
10/20/20 27Li59 25Sg12 8Sc25 21Vi24 18Ar56 19Cp38 25Cp43 9Ta07 18Pi34 22Cp33
10/21/20 28Li59 9Cp04 7Sc24 22Vi36 18Ar40 19Cp45 25Cp45 9Ta04 18Pi33 22Cp33
10/22/20 29Li58 22Cp29 6Sc17 23Vi48 18Ar23 19Cp52 25Cp48 9Ta02 18Pi32 22Cp34
10/23/20 0Sc58 5Aq30 5Sc05 25Vi00 18Ar07 19Cp59 25Cp50 9Ta00 18Pi30 22Cp34
10/24/20 1Sc58 18Aq12 3Sc50 26Vi12 17Ar52 20Cp06 25Cp52 8Ta57 18Pi29 22Cp35
10/25/20 2Sc58 0Pi37 2Sc34 27Vi25 17Ar37 20Cp14 25Cp55 8Ta55 18Pi28 22Cp35
10/26/20 3Sc58 12Pi50 1Sc19 28Vi37 17Ar23 20Cp21 25Cp58 8Ta52 18Pi27 22Cp36
10/27/20 4Sc57 24Pi53 0Sc08 29Vi50 17Ar09 20Cp29 26Cp00 8Ta50 18Pi26 22Cp37
10/28/20 5Sc57 6Ar51 29Li03 1Li03 16Ar56 20Cp37 26Cp03 8Ta47 18Pi25 22Cp38
10/29/20 6Sc57 18Ar44 28Li05 2Li15 16Ar44 20Cp45 26Cp06 8Ta45 18Pi24 22Cp38
10/30/20 7Sc57 0Ta35 27Li16 3Li28 16Ar33 20Cp53 26Cp09 8Ta42 18Pi23 22Cp39
10/31/20 8Sc57 12Ta26 26Li39 4Li41 16Ar22 21Cp02 26Cp12 8Ta40 18Pi22 22Cp40
11/1/20 9Sc57 24Ta18 26Li12 5Li54 16Ar12 21Cp10 26Cp16 8Ta37 18Pi21 22Cp41
11/2/20 10Sc57 6Ge13 25Li57 7Li07 16Ar03 21Cp19 26Cp19 8Ta35 18Pi21 22Cp41
11/3/20 11Sc57 18Ge14 25Li54 8Li20 15Ar54 21Cp27 26Cp22 8Ta32 18Pi20 22Cp42
11/4/20 12Sc57 0Cn23 26Li01 9Li34 15Ar47 21Cp36 26Cp26 8Ta30 18Pi19 22Cp43
11/5/20 13Sc58 12Cn43 26Li20 10Li47 15Ar40 21Cp45 26Cp29 8Ta28 18Pi18 22Cp44
11/6/20 14Sc58 25Cn19 26Li48 12Li00 15Ar34 21Cp54 26Cp33 8Ta25 18Pi17 22Cp45
11/7/20 15Sc58 8Le13 27Li25 13Li14 15Ar28 22Cp04 26Cp37 8Ta23 18Pi17 22Cp46
11/8/20 16Sc58 21Le30 28Li10 14Li27 15Ar24 22Cp13 26Cp40 8Ta20 18Pi16 22Cp47
11/9/20 17Sc58 5Vi12 29Li02 15Li41 15Ar20 22Cp22 26Cp44 8Ta18 18Pi15 22Cp48
11/10/20 18Sc59 19Vi20 0Sc01 16Li54 15Ar17 22Cp32 26Cp48 8Ta15 18Pi15 22Cp49
11/11/20 19Sc59 3Li53 1Sc05 18Li08 15Ar15 22Cp42 26Cp52 8Ta13 18Pi14 22Cp50
11/12/20 21Sc00 18Li47 2Sc14 19Li22 15Ar14 22Cp52 26Cp56 8Ta11 18Pi14 22Cp51
11/13/20 22Sc00 3Sc55 3Sc28 20Li36 15Ar14 23Cp02 27Cp01 8Ta08 18Pi13 22Cp53
11/14/20 23Sc00 19Sc07 4Sc44 21Li49 15Ar14 23Cp12 27Cp05 8Ta06 18Pi13 22Cp54
11/15/20 24Sc01 4Sg13 6Sc04 23Li03 15Ar15 23Cp22 27Cp09 8Ta03 18Pi12 22Cp55
11/16/20 25Sc01 19Sg04 7Sc27 24Li17 15Ar17 23Cp32 27Cp14 8Ta01 18Pi12 22Cp56
11/17/20 26Sc02 3Cp32 8Sc51 25Li31 15Ar20 23Cp43 27Cp18 7Ta59 18Pi11 22Cp57
11/18/20 27Sc02 17Cp35 10Sc17 26Li45 15Ar23 23Cp53 27Cp23 7Ta56 18Pi11 22Cp59
11/19/20 28Sc03 1Aq10 11Sc45 27Li59 15Ar27 24Cp04 27Cp28 7Ta54 18Pi11 23Cp00
11/20/20 29Sc04 14Aq19 13Sc14 29Li14 15Ar32 24Cp15 27Cp32 7Ta52 18Pi10 23Cp01
11/21/20 0Sg04 27Aq05 14Sc44 0Sc28 15Ar38 24Cp26 27Cp37 7Ta50 18Pi10 23Cp03
11/22/20 1Sg05 9Pi31 16Sc15 1Sc42 15Ar45 24Cp37 27Cp42 7Ta47 18Pi10 23Cp04
11/23/20 2Sg05 21Pi42 17Sc46 2Sc56 15Ar52 24Cp48 27Cp47 7Ta45 18Pi10 23Cp05
11/24/20 3Sg06 3Ar42 19Sc18 4Sc11 16Ar00 24Cp59 27Cp52 7Ta43 18Pi10 23Cp07
11/25/20 4Sg07 15Ar35 20Sc51 5Sc25 16Ar09 25Cp10 27Cp57 7Ta41 18Pi09 23Cp08
11/26/20 5Sg08 27Ar26 22Sc23 6Sc39 16Ar18 25Cp21 28Cp02 7Ta39 18Pi09 23Cp10
11/27/20 6Sg08 9Ta16 23Sc56 7Sc54 16Ar28 25Cp33 28Cp07 7Ta37 18Pi09 23Cp11
11/28/20 7Sg09 21Ta09 25Sc30 9Sc08 16Ar39 25Cp44 28Cp13 7Ta35 18Pi09 23Cp12
11/29/20 8Sg10 3Ge07 27Sc03 10Sc23 16Ar50 25Cp56 28Cp18 7Ta33 18Pi09 23Cp14
11/30/20 9Sg11 15Ge12 28Sc36 11Sc37 17Ar02 26Cp08 28Cp23 7Ta31 18Pi09 23Cp15
12/1/20 10Sg11 27Ge25 0Sg10 12Sc52 17Ar14 26Cp19 28Cp29 7Ta29 18Pi09 23Cp17
12/2/20 11Sg12 9Cn48 1Sg44 14Sc06 17Ar28 26Cp31 28Cp34 7Ta27 18Pi10 23Cp19
12/3/20 12Sg13 22Cn22 3Sg17 15Sc21 17Ar41 26Cp43 28Cp40 7Ta25 18Pi10 23Cp20
12/4/20 13Sg14 5Le10 4Sg51 16Sc36 17Ar56 26Cp55 28Cp46 7Ta23 18Pi10 23Cp22
12/5/20 14Sg15 18Le12 6Sg25 17Sc50 18Ar11 27Cp07 28Cp51 7Ta21 18Pi10 23Cp23
12/6/20 15Sg16 1Vi32 7Sg58 19Sc05 18Ar26 27Cp20 28Cp57 7Ta19 18Pi10 23Cp25
12/7/20 16Sg17 15Vi10 9Sg32 20Sc20 18Ar42 27Cp32 29Cp03 7Ta17 18Pi11 23Cp27
12/8/20 17Sg18 29Vi07 11Sg06 21Sc35 18Ar58 27Cp44 29Cp09 7Ta16 18Pi11 23Cp28
12/9/20 18Sg19 13Li22 12Sg40 22Sc49 19Ar15 27Cp57 29Cp15 7Ta14 18Pi11 23Cp30
12/10/20 19Sg19 27Li53 14Sg14 24Sc04 19Ar33 28Cp09 29Cp21 7Ta12 18Pi12 23Cp32
12/11/20 20Sg21 12Sc36 15Sg47 25Sc19 19Ar51 28Cp22 29Cp27 7Ta11 18Pi12 23Cp33
12/12/20 21Sg22 27Sc26 17Sg21 26Sc34 20Ar09 28Cp34 29Cp33 7Ta09 18Pi13 23Cp35
12/13/20 22Sg23 12Sg15 18Sg56 27Sc49 20Ar28 28Cp47 29Cp39 7Ta08 18Pi13 23Cp37
12/14/20 23Sg24 26Sg56 20Sg30 29Sc04 20Ar48 29Cp00 29Cp45 7Ta06 18Pi14 23Cp39
12/15/20 24Sg25 11Cp21 22Sg04 0Sg19 21Ar08 29Cp13 29Cp52 7Ta05 18Pi14 23Cp41
12/16/20 25Sg26 25Cp26 23Sg38 1Sg34 21Ar28 29Cp26 29Cp58 7Ta03 18Pi15 23Cp42
12/17/20 26Sg27 9Aq06 25Sg13 2Sg49 21Ar49 29Cp39 0Aq04 7Ta02 18Pi15 23Cp44
12/18/20 27Sg28 22Aq22 26Sg47 4Sg04 22Ar10 29Cp52 0Aq10 7Ta01 18Pi16 23Cp46
12/19/20 28Sg29 5Pi14 28Sg22 5Sg19 22Ar32 0Aq05 0Aq17 6Ta59 18Pi17 23Cp48
12/20/20 29Sg30 17Pi45 29Sg57 6Sg34 22Ar54 0Aq18 0Aq23 6Ta58 18Pi18 23Cp50
12/21/20 0Cp31 29Pi59 1Cp32 7Sg49 23Ar16 0Aq31 0Aq30 6Ta57 18Pi18 23Cp52
12/22/20 1Cp32 12Ar00 3Cp08 9Sg04 23Ar39 0Aq44 0Aq36 6Ta56 18Pi19 23Cp53
12/23/20 2Cp34 23Ar53 4Cp43 10Sg19 24Ar02 0Aq58 0Aq43 6Ta55 18Pi20 23Cp55
12/24/20 3Cp35 5Ta42 6Cp19 11Sg34 24Ar26 1Aq11 0Aq49 6Ta54 18Pi21 23Cp57
12/25/20 4Cp36 17Ta33 7Cp55 12Sg49 24Ar49 1Aq24 0Aq56 6Ta53 18Pi22 23Cp59
12/26/20 5Cp37 29Ta29 9Cp31 14Sg04 25Ar14 1Aq38 1Aq03 6Ta52 18Pi23 24Cp01
12/27/20 6Cp38 11Ge33 11Cp08 15Sg19 25Ar38 1Aq51 1Aq09 6Ta51 18Pi24 24Cp03
12/28/20 7Cp39 23Ge49 12Cp45 16Sg34 26Ar03 2Aq05 1Aq16 6Ta50 18Pi25 24Cp05
12/29/20 8Cp40 6Cn17 14Cp22 17Sg49 26Ar28 2Aq18 1Aq23 6Ta49 18Pi26 24Cp07
12/30/20 9Cp41 18Cn59 15Cp59 19Sg04 26Ar54 2Aq32 1Aq30 6Ta48 18Pi27 24Cp09
12/31/20 10Cp43 1Le55 17Cp36 20Sg20 27Ar19 2Aq46 1Aq37 6Ta48 18Pi28 24Cp11

Chart Entry

Chart Data
Restrictions Sun
East Point
House System Placidus
Equal (MC)
Zodiac Type Krishnamurti

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