

Birth Chart

Chart Image

Transit Chart

Transit Image


Sun Con Mercury
Sun Squ Uranus
Moon Opp Saturn
Moon Sex Mars
Neptune Sex Pluto
Moon Squ Jupiter
Mars Tri Saturn
Venus Sex Pluto
Uranus Sex Neptune
Saturn Sex Uranus
Mercury Squ Uranus
Moon Tri Uranus
Venus Sex Jupiter
Mars Sex Uranus

Planets in Signs

Sun in Aquarius

With the Sun in Aquarius, you are even-tempered, artistic, sociable, peaceful in your general attitude to life, humanitarian, warm and loving. Outwardly you present a composed, confident and unruffled attitude in all circumstances. Yet, often beneath that calm exterior lurks a seething mass of worry, indecision and anxiety which on occasions leads to eccentric behaviour. An investigative nature gives you an interest in science, spiritual subjects, New Age thought or fringe subjects such as occultism. You are attracted by anything new, strange or innovative. Your home may be full of electrical gadgets and strange bric-a-brac. With a clear vision of what is best, you care little for the opinions of others. Freedom of self-expression, thought and action are your driving ambitions. Conventional ideas and traditional values are not for you - new, fresh, exciting horizons are what motivate your adventurous spirit. A desire to improve self or society makes you a natural rebel with the energy, initiative, and zeal to change the old order for the new. On the negative side you can, at times, be dreamy, impractical, sentimental and a worrier over trivial matters. Likely occupation are those which demand intricate detail of a scientific nature, professions involving the use of electricity, aviation and kindred professions, the television and radio industries, or any form of humanitarian work.

Moon in Virgo

The Moon in Virgo adds a practical and analytical quality to your emotional nature - the intellect is enhanced by this placement giving good memory-retention and a fondness of learning. There is a strong need for personal and domestic cleanliness and neatness. Health and diet will also be important issues. There is a tendency to be overly-critical of self and other family members. Travel, music, poetry and painting will have a soothing and therapeutic effect upon your nature.

Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury in Aquarius gives an unemotional, impersonal, truth-loving, and humanitarian mind capable of transcending the mundane thought patterns of lesser mortals. This position of Mercury strengthens the intellect, gives a good memory and a strong comprehensive mind capable of much hard work. Intuitive insights and original reasoning ability produce the occasional touch of genius - you often comprehend issues that others find quite incomprehensible. Your mind is open to any new experiences; subjects such as metaphysics, occultism, astrology, technology and science will have intellectual appeal. You enjoy the mental stimulation of friendships and function best within a group environment.

Venus in Aries

Venus in Aries indicates an impulsive, passionate, extrovert and bold romantic nature. There is a need for constant variety in both your romantic and social lives. You make friends easily and are fond of love and admiration. You make an enthusiastic, lively friend and an energetic colleague. Very easily influenced by the attraction of the opposite sex, your refined appearance slips on occasion to reveal a very sensuous nature. An early marriage is probable. You can be a bit of a show-off, enjoy fine clothes, ornaments and all forms of luxury, and you are inclined at times to extravagance, having an 'easy come - easy go' attitude towards money. Avoid coarseness and childish tantrums.

Mars in Cancer

Mars in Cancer strengthens your domestic nature. You assert yourself through a kind, passionate, protective, emotionally-sensitive and caring nature. Primarily, these qualities are used to establish a secure home and a loving family. Much energy is channelled into your private and domestic life. Insecurity and fear about the future is a possible negative trait. On occasion you can be resentful and spiteful. A sensuous and caring sex-life is indicated. Lovemaking is sensitive, emotional and affection orientated.

Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter in Gemini gives you the opportunity to study and intellectually comprehend subjects such as religion, law, philosophy and other higher educational subjects. This quality is necessary in order to expand your personality and life experience. Your wide range of mental interests will attract many friends who help to broaden your scope of knowledge, leading you into new and unusual subjects. Success is achieved by communicating such knowledge to others - writing, teaching and lecturing. A second string income may come though business interests related to publishing, travel, broadcasting and telecommunications.

Saturn in Pisces

In order to succeed in your social position in the world you will have to gain knowledge and expertise associated with emotional understanding, compassion, humility and a sense of duty for those less fortunate. Life experience will force you to learn valuable lessons related to these issues. You are likely to gain some form of profound spiritual understanding - but not before you have overcome deep irrational fears, negative emotional conditioning and a wayward imagination. Your work in the world may be towards the care or education of others - perhaps in social work, hospitals, universities, religion or the arts.

Uranus in Taurus

Those born in this generation have the ability to intuitively receive from the planetary mind timely ideas for materially implementing the new directions that are being taken on the planet. They will receive insights about ways to structure the new directions, to establish innovative energies in a practical, essential way. Disruption occurs only through holding on to old value systems that are not in harmony with the new direction of society as a whole.

Neptune in Pisces

Pluto in Aquarius

Planets in Houses

Sun in 4th House

With the Sun in the Fourth House your personality drive will find expression mainly in family, home, land and property concerns. Security is your main preoccupation, and this will be sought and fought for to ensure complete self-reliance. Thus your later life should be less difficult than the early years. There may be an inheritance of some kind through your parents. Inner experiences will also be important to you, because security and self-reliance require personality integration at the psychological level - a very difficult task and completed only after much blood, sweat and tears .

Moon in 10th House

With the Moon in the Tenth House your feeling, instinctive nature will find expression through a strong emotional commitment to public and professional life. Your day-to-day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by a practical, unemotional and common-sense approach to events. General well-being is dependent, largely, on material success and financial security.

Mercury in 4th House

Your mental and communicative abilities will largely be applied to your domestic and private life, and issues relating to home and family. Intellectual interests, further education and general studies are carried out within the home environment. It is probable that your work or career is also home based.

Venus in 5th House

With Venus in the Fifth House the areas of life where you are most likely to express your social, romantic and artistic qualities are through a genuine love of life, especially in romantic attachments, hobbies, personal pleasures and social interests. Your infectious love of life and noble nature ensures socially popularity, although, at times, you can be rather theatrical in order to hog the spotlight. You usually choose a partner you can show-off with, and proudly display to friends and colleges. Appreciation of the arts is indicated. There is some predisposition to gambling or other forms of financial speculation. Children will be a very important factor in your life.

Mars in 9th House

With Mars in the Ninth House you are likely to exert your energy and initiative through self-development, travel, exploration, sports, religion, philosophy or higher education, in order to gain a broad experience of life. You enjoy any form of intellectual challenge and should do well in gaining academic qualifications. Having a crusading spirit, breadth of vision and strong religious or philosophical convictions are likely. You will aggressively crusade for worthwhile causes and actively support higher social groups in service to mankind.

Jupiter in 8th House

With Jupiter in the Eighth House you will find luck, ease of working and general good fortune coming through an inheritance, joint finances, investment, business dealings or your marriage partner. This position of Jupiter gives you the opportunity to develop skill in business, a flair for handling money and a marked degree of social power.

Saturn in 5th House

A Fifth House Saturn suggests that your career or area of responsibility in the world relates in some way to personal creative projects, love affairs and children. In order to succeed in your social position in the world you will have to gain knowledge and expertise associated with the proper use of personal power, creative self-expression and control of the ego. Life-experience will force you to learn valuable lessons related to the development of a proper sense of values in dealing with matters of creative self-expression, romantic relationships, parenthood, social life and control of your environment generally. Many related confrontations will be afforded to help hasten the restructuring process. Critical examination of the self and ones ulterior motives is required in order to develop a fully-integrated personality. Your profession may deal with investments in lands and property or speculative ventures relating to art, music, schools, places of entertainment or stockbroking.

Uranus in 7th House

With a Seventh House Uranus you are likely to seek individual freedom of expression through marriage, business partnership or interpersonal relationships. You are sure to attract unusual and stimulating associates - possessing intuition, originality, creativity and potential genius. Expect many changes, unusual experiences and constructive crises in your life related to the above issues.

Neptune in 5th House

Neptune in the Fifth House may indicate that your imaginative and spiritual potential manifests through intuitive creative self-expression, artistic talent, children or an association with one of the opposite sex. Strange, abnormal or peculiar events may be experienced in connection with your feelings, emotions, affections and sex matters. An idyllic, romantic love partner is much desired.

Pluto in 3rd House

With Pluto in the Third House opportunities for transforming or regenerating yourself may come through a deeply idealistic, inspired and penetrating mind capable of understanding the more esoteric principals of life - having insights on death and the meaning of life, and a desire to uncover the secrets of the universe. You may become instrumental in some phase of social reform through your ability to communicate, write or express artistically the profound social and political issues of the day. On the negative side there can be a tendency to morbid thoughts, dwelling on death, brooding, depression and a preoccupation with the more sinister and sordid side of life.

Houses in Signs

1st House in Scorpio

Scorpios project themselves with energy and willpower and are willing to stake their lives to accomplish their aims. It is futile to attempt to convince them that something cannot be done, since Scorpio's will do it or die trying. They fortify their objectives with a tremendous, fixed, emotional intensity. They have the ability to draw on hidden sources of power to attain their ends.

2nd House in Sagittarius

Generally, these natives have good luck in financial matters and know how to make money multiply. They expand their activities through money, and there are usually adequate financial resources to further their ends. They often provide financial support for religious and educational institutions. Sometimes they are economic theorists.

3rd House in Capricorn

These natives are careful in the expression of their thoughts. They never say or write anything unless there is a definite reason for doing so, which is why they have a reputation for secrecy. Since their words are carefully calculated for maximum impact, they can be harsh and exacting in their speech. This is where their sting appears.

4th House in Aquarius

The home environment is unusual and distinctive. As a rule, there is something out of the ordinary about their homes, families, or both. Rather than going to visit their friends, they like to have their friends come to them.

5th House in Pisces

These natives are surprisingly sentimental in affairs of the heart; they serve their loved ones without thought of self. Their children and those they love are often a source of disillusionment to them. They gain pleasure from seclusion and from the study of mysticism.

6th House in Aries

These natives are efficient, powerful, and original in tackling tasks that would seem impossible to others. Since they get more accomplished efficiently than do those born under any other sign, they appear to be self-motivated in all that they do. Being natural leaders, they have a tendency to be somewhat bossy to subordinates and co-workers. They extend a helping hand when others are in trouble, but they expect the aided individual to absorb the strength and self-sufficiency needed to continue on alone.

7th House in Taurus

These natives attract marriage partners who have wealth to offer. They are cooperative in partnerships but expect some practical gain as a result. They spend money on lovely things that have quality. They also spend money on their partners and take great pride in the fact that they look well.

8th House in Gemini

These natives are pregnant with ideas concerning joint finances. They are often occupied with thoughts and communications concerning death and the affairs of the dead. They are intellectually interested in mystery.

9th House in Cancer

These persons are emotional and tenacious in the areas of religion and philosophy. They have foresight by means of psychic perception, yet they cling to family religion. As a rule, they prefer to travel by water.

10th House in Leo

These natives are ambitious in their professions and proud of their standing in the community. They often achieve positions of leadership and authority and are admired for their accomplishments.

11th House in Virgo

These natives exert themselves for their friends, especially those who need help. They cultivate friends through their work and utilize the practical ideas and skills of their associates.

12th House in Libra

Those natives who enjoy the seclusion of places of beauty are more refined and gentle than they would have one believe. Their hidden strength is their innate sense of justice and fair play, but their self-undoing may come from their unconscious desire for luxury.

Ephemeris (Yearly)

Mo/Dy/Yr Sun Moon Merc Venu Mars Jupi Satu Uran Nept Plut
1/1/25 12Cp09 11Aq52 21Sg35 29Aq07 1Le28 13Ge04 14Pi37 23Ta36 27Pi18 1Aq06
1/2/25 13Cp10 25Aq37 22Sg55 0Pi11 1Le07 12Ge58 14Pi42 23Ta34 27Pi19 1Aq08
1/3/25 14Cp12 9Pi29 24Sg16 1Pi15 0Le46 12Ge52 14Pi46 23Ta33 27Pi20 1Aq10
1/4/25 15Cp13 23Pi26 25Sg38 2Pi18 0Le24 12Ge46 14Pi51 23Ta32 27Pi21 1Aq11
1/5/25 16Cp14 7Ar26 27Sg01 3Pi21 0Le02 12Ge41 14Pi56 23Ta30 27Pi22 1Aq13
1/6/25 17Cp15 21Ar31 28Sg25 4Pi23 29Cn40 12Ge35 15Pi01 23Ta29 27Pi23 1Aq15
1/7/25 18Cp16 5Ta37 29Sg50 5Pi25 29Cn17 12Ge30 15Pi06 23Ta28 27Pi24 1Aq17
1/8/25 19Cp17 19Ta46 1Cp15 6Pi27 28Cn54 12Ge24 15Pi11 23Ta27 27Pi25 1Aq19
1/9/25 20Cp19 3Ge54 2Cp42 7Pi28 28Cn30 12Ge20 15Pi17 23Ta26 27Pi26 1Aq21
1/10/25 21Cp20 17Ge59 4Cp09 8Pi29 28Cn07 12Ge15 15Pi22 23Ta25 27Pi28 1Aq23
1/11/25 22Cp21 1Cn56 5Cp36 9Pi30 27Cn43 12Ge10 15Pi27 23Ta24 27Pi29 1Aq25
1/12/25 23Cp22 15Cn41 7Cp05 10Pi30 27Cn19 12Ge06 15Pi33 23Ta23 27Pi30 1Aq27
1/13/25 24Cp23 29Cn11 8Cp34 11Pi29 26Cn55 12Ge01 15Pi38 23Ta22 27Pi31 1Aq29
1/14/25 25Cp24 12Le23 10Cp03 12Pi29 26Cn31 11Ge57 15Pi44 23Ta21 27Pi32 1Aq30
1/15/25 26Cp25 25Le15 11Cp33 13Pi27 26Cn07 11Ge53 15Pi49 23Ta21 27Pi34 1Aq32
1/16/25 27Cp26 7Vi48 13Cp04 14Pi25 25Cn43 11Ge50 15Pi55 23Ta20 27Pi35 1Aq34
1/17/25 28Cp27 20Vi03 14Cp35 15Pi23 25Cn19 11Ge46 16Pi01 23Ta19 27Pi36 1Aq36
1/18/25 29Cp28 2Li05 16Cp07 16Pi20 24Cn56 11Ge43 16Pi06 23Ta19 27Pi38 1Aq38
1/19/25 0Aq29 13Li58 17Cp39 17Pi16 24Cn32 11Ge39 16Pi12 23Ta18 27Pi39 1Aq40
1/20/25 1Aq30 25Li46 19Cp12 18Pi12 24Cn09 11Ge37 16Pi18 23Ta17 27Pi41 1Aq42
1/21/25 2Aq32 7Sc36 20Cp46 19Pi08 23Cn46 11Ge34 16Pi24 23Ta17 27Pi42 1Aq44
1/22/25 3Aq33 19Sc32 22Cp20 20Pi02 23Cn23 11Ge31 16Pi30 23Ta17 27Pi44 1Aq46
1/23/25 4Aq34 1Sg40 23Cp54 20Pi56 23Cn01 11Ge29 16Pi36 23Ta16 27Pi45 1Aq48
1/24/25 5Aq35 14Sg04 25Cp30 21Pi49 22Cn39 11Ge27 16Pi43 23Ta16 27Pi47 1Aq50
1/25/25 6Aq36 26Sg47 27Cp06 22Pi42 22Cn18 11Ge25 16Pi49 23Ta16 27Pi48 1Aq52
1/26/25 7Aq37 9Cp51 28Cp42 23Pi34 21Cn57 11Ge23 16Pi55 23Ta15 27Pi50 1Aq54
1/27/25 8Aq38 23Cp17 0Aq19 24Pi25 21Cn37 11Ge21 17Pi01 23Ta15 27Pi51 1Aq56
1/28/25 9Aq39 7Aq02 1Aq57 25Pi15 21Cn17 11Ge20 17Pi08 23Ta15 27Pi53 1Aq58
1/29/25 10Aq40 21Aq03 3Aq36 26Pi05 20Cn58 11Ge19 17Pi14 23Ta15 27Pi55 1Aq59
1/30/25 11Aq41 5Pi16 5Aq15 26Pi54 20Cn39 11Ge18 17Pi21 23Ta15 27Pi56 2Aq01
1/31/25 12Aq41 19Pi35 6Aq55 27Pi41 20Cn22 11Ge17 17Pi27 23Ta15 27Pi58 2Aq03
2/1/25 13Aq42 3Ar56 8Aq35 28Pi28 20Cn04 11Ge17 17Pi34 23Ta15 28Pi00 2Aq05
2/2/25 14Aq43 18Ar15 10Aq16 29Pi14 19Cn48 11Ge16 17Pi40 23Ta16 28Pi02 2Aq07
2/3/25 15Aq44 2Ta29 11Aq58 29Pi59 19Cn32 11Ge16 17Pi47 23Ta16 28Pi03 2Aq09
2/4/25 16Aq45 16Ta36 13Aq41 0Ar43 19Cn17 11Ge16 17Pi53 23Ta16 28Pi05 2Aq11
2/5/25 17Aq46 0Ge35 15Aq25 1Ar26 19Cn03 11Ge17 18Pi00 23Ta16 28Pi07 2Aq13
2/6/25 18Aq47 14Ge26 17Aq09 2Ar07 18Cn49 11Ge17 18Pi07 23Ta17 28Pi09 2Aq15
2/7/25 19Aq47 28Ge07 18Aq54 2Ar48 18Cn37 11Ge18 18Pi14 23Ta17 28Pi11 2Aq17
2/8/25 20Aq48 11Cn37 20Aq40 3Ar27 18Cn25 11Ge19 18Pi21 23Ta18 28Pi13 2Aq18
2/9/25 21Aq49 24Cn55 22Aq26 4Ar05 18Cn14 11Ge20 18Pi27 23Ta18 28Pi15 2Aq20
2/10/25 22Aq49 8Le00 24Aq14 4Ar42 18Cn03 11Ge21 18Pi34 23Ta19 28Pi16 2Aq22
2/11/25 23Aq50 20Le51 26Aq02 5Ar17 17Cn54 11Ge23 18Pi41 23Ta19 28Pi18 2Aq24
2/12/25 24Aq51 3Vi27 27Aq50 5Ar51 17Cn45 11Ge24 18Pi48 23Ta20 28Pi20 2Aq26
2/13/25 25Aq51 15Vi50 29Aq40 6Ar23 17Cn37 11Ge26 18Pi55 23Ta21 28Pi22 2Aq28
2/14/25 26Aq52 27Vi59 1Pi30 6Ar54 17Cn30 11Ge28 19Pi02 23Ta22 28Pi24 2Aq29
2/15/25 27Aq52 9Li58 3Pi20 7Ar23 17Cn23 11Ge31 19Pi09 23Ta23 28Pi26 2Aq31
2/16/25 28Aq53 21Li51 5Pi11 7Ar50 17Cn18 11Ge33 19Pi16 23Ta23 28Pi28 2Aq33
2/17/25 29Aq54 3Sc39 7Pi02 8Ar16 17Cn13 11Ge36 19Pi24 23Ta24 28Pi30 2Aq35
2/18/25 0Pi54 15Sc29 8Pi54 8Ar40 17Cn09 11Ge39 19Pi31 23Ta25 28Pi32 2Aq36
2/19/25 1Pi55 27Sc25 10Pi45 9Ar02 17Cn06 11Ge42 19Pi38 23Ta26 28Pi35 2Aq38
2/20/25 2Pi55 9Sg31 12Pi37 9Ar23 17Cn03 11Ge45 19Pi45 23Ta28 28Pi37 2Aq40
2/21/25 3Pi55 21Sg53 14Pi28 9Ar41 17Cn02 11Ge48 19Pi52 23Ta29 28Pi39 2Aq42
2/22/25 4Pi56 4Cp36 16Pi18 9Ar57 17Cn01 11Ge52 19Pi59 23Ta30 28Pi41 2Aq43
2/23/25 5Pi56 17Cp41 18Pi08 10Ar11 17Cn00 11Ge56 20Pi07 23Ta31 28Pi43 2Aq45
2/24/25 6Pi57 1Aq11 19Pi56 10Ar23 17Cn01 12Ge00 20Pi14 23Ta32 28Pi45 2Aq47
2/25/25 7Pi57 15Aq06 21Pi43 10Ar33 17Cn02 12Ge04 20Pi21 23Ta34 28Pi47 2Aq48
2/26/25 8Pi57 29Aq23 23Pi27 10Ar41 17Cn04 12Ge08 20Pi29 23Ta35 28Pi49 2Aq50
2/27/25 9Pi58 13Pi57 25Pi09 10Ar46 17Cn07 12Ge13 20Pi36 23Ta37 28Pi52 2Aq52
2/28/25 10Pi58 28Pi42 26Pi48 10Ar49 17Cn10 12Ge17 20Pi43 23Ta38 28Pi54 2Aq53
3/1/25 11Pi58 13Ar30 28Pi24 10Ar50 17Cn15 12Ge22 20Pi51 23Ta40 28Pi56 2Aq55
3/2/25 12Pi58 28Ar15 29Pi55 10Ar48 17Cn19 12Ge27 20Pi58 23Ta41 28Pi58 2Aq56
3/3/25 13Pi58 12Ta50 1Ar21 10Ar43 17Cn25 12Ge33 21Pi05 23Ta43 29Pi00 2Aq58
3/4/25 14Pi59 27Ta12 2Ar42 10Ar36 17Cn31 12Ge38 21Pi13 23Ta45 29Pi03 2Aq59
3/5/25 15Pi59 11Ge16 3Ar57 10Ar27 17Cn38 12Ge44 21Pi20 23Ta46 29Pi05 3Aq01
3/6/25 16Pi59 25Ge03 5Ar06 10Ar15 17Cn45 12Ge49 21Pi27 23Ta48 29Pi07 3Aq02
3/7/25 17Pi59 8Cn33 6Ar08 10Ar00 17Cn53 12Ge55 21Pi35 23Ta50 29Pi09 3Aq04
3/8/25 18Pi59 21Cn45 7Ar02 9Ar43 18Cn02 13Ge01 21Pi42 23Ta52 29Pi12 3Aq05
3/9/25 19Pi59 4Le42 7Ar49 9Ar24 18Cn11 13Ge08 21Pi50 23Ta54 29Pi14 3Aq07
3/10/25 20Pi59 17Le24 8Ar27 9Ar02 18Cn21 13Ge14 21Pi57 23Ta56 29Pi16 3Aq08
3/11/25 21Pi58 29Le54 8Ar57 8Ar38 18Cn31 13Ge21 22Pi04 23Ta58 29Pi18 3Aq10
3/12/25 22Pi58 12Vi13 9Ar18 8Ar12 18Cn42 13Ge27 22Pi12 24Ta00 29Pi21 3Aq11
3/13/25 23Pi58 24Vi22 9Ar31 7Ar43 18Cn54 13Ge34 22Pi19 24Ta02 29Pi23 3Aq12
3/14/25 24Pi58 6Li22 9Ar35 7Ar13 19Cn06 13Ge41 22Pi27 24Ta04 29Pi25 3Aq14
3/15/25 25Pi58 18Li17 9Ar30 6Ar41 19Cn18 13Ge48 22Pi34 24Ta06 29Pi27 3Aq15
3/16/25 26Pi57 0Sc07 9Ar18 6Ar08 19Cn32 13Ge55 22Pi41 24Ta08 29Pi30 3Aq16
3/17/25 27Pi57 11Sc56 8Ar57 5Ar33 19Cn45 14Ge03 22Pi49 24Ta11 29Pi32 3Aq18
3/18/25 28Pi57 23Sc47 8Ar29 4Ar58 19Cn59 14Ge10 22Pi56 24Ta13 29Pi34 3Aq19
3/19/25 29Pi56 5Sg43 7Ar55 4Ar21 20Cn14 14Ge18 23Pi04 24Ta15 29Pi36 3Aq20
3/20/25 0Ar56 17Sg49 7Ar15 3Ar44 20Cn29 14Ge26 23Pi11 24Ta17 29Pi39 3Aq21
3/21/25 1Ar56 0Cp08 6Ar30 3Ar06 20Cn44 14Ge34 23Pi18 24Ta20 29Pi41 3Aq23
3/22/25 2Ar55 12Cp46 5Ar42 2Ar28 21Cn00 14Ge42 23Pi26 24Ta22 29Pi43 3Aq24
3/23/25 3Ar55 25Cp46 4Ar51 1Ar51 21Cn16 14Ge50 23Pi33 24Ta25 29Pi46 3Aq25
3/24/25 4Ar54 9Aq11 3Ar58 1Ar13 21Cn33 14Ge59 23Pi40 24Ta27 29Pi48 3Aq26
3/25/25 5Ar54 23Aq02 3Ar05 0Ar37 21Cn50 15Ge07 23Pi48 24Ta30 29Pi50 3Aq27
3/26/25 6Ar53 7Pi20 2Ar13 0Ar01 22Cn08 15Ge16 23Pi55 24Ta32 29Pi52 3Aq28
3/27/25 7Ar52 22Pi01 1Ar22 29Pi26 22Cn26 15Ge25 24Pi02 24Ta35 29Pi55 3Aq29
3/28/25 8Ar52 6Ar59 0Ar34 28Pi53 22Cn44 15Ge34 24Pi10 24Ta38 29Pi57 3Aq30
3/29/25 9Ar51 22Ar06 29Pi50 28Pi21 23Cn03 15Ge43 24Pi17 24Ta40 29Pi59 3Aq31
3/30/25 10Ar50 7Ta13 29Pi09 27Pi51 23Cn22 15Ge52 24Pi24 24Ta43 0Ar01 3Aq32
3/31/25 11Ar50 22Ta12 28Pi33 27Pi22 23Cn42 16Ge01 24Pi31 24Ta46 0Ar04 3Aq33
4/1/25 12Ar49 6Ge53 28Pi02 26Pi56 24Cn02 16Ge11 24Pi38 24Ta49 0Ar06 3Aq34
4/2/25 13Ar48 21Ge12 27Pi37 26Pi32 24Cn22 16Ge20 24Pi46 24Ta51 0Ar08 3Aq35
4/3/25 14Ar47 5Cn07 27Pi16 26Pi09 24Cn43 16Ge30 24Pi53 24Ta54 0Ar10 3Aq36
4/4/25 15Ar46 18Cn36 27Pi02 25Pi49 25Cn04 16Ge39 25Pi00 24Ta57 0Ar12 3Aq36
4/5/25 16Ar45 1Le43 26Pi53 25Pi32 25Cn25 16Ge49 25Pi07 25Ta00 0Ar15 3Aq37
4/6/25 17Ar44 14Le29 26Pi49 25Pi17 25Cn47 16Ge59 25Pi14 25Ta03 0Ar17 3Aq38
4/7/25 18Ar43 26Le57 26Pi51 25Pi04 26Cn08 17Ge09 25Pi21 25Ta06 0Ar19 3Aq39
4/8/25 19Ar42 9Vi13 26Pi58 24Pi54 26Cn31 17Ge19 25Pi28 25Ta09 0Ar21 3Aq40
4/9/25 20Ar41 21Vi18 27Pi11 24Pi46 26Cn53 17Ge30 25Pi35 25Ta12 0Ar23 3Aq40
4/10/25 21Ar40 3Li15 27Pi28 24Pi41 27Cn16 17Ge40 25Pi42 25Ta15 0Ar26 3Aq41
4/11/25 22Ar39 15Li08 27Pi50 24Pi38 27Cn39 17Ge50 25Pi49 25Ta18 0Ar28 3Aq42
4/12/25 23Ar38 26Li58 28Pi17 24Pi37 28Cn02 18Ge01 25Pi56 25Ta21 0Ar30 3Aq42
4/13/25 24Ar36 8Sc47 28Pi48 24Pi39 28Cn26 18Ge12 26Pi02 25Ta24 0Ar32 3Aq43
4/14/25 25Ar35 20Sc38 29Pi23 24Pi43 28Cn50 18Ge22 26Pi09 25Ta27 0Ar34 3Aq43
4/15/25 26Ar34 2Sg33 0Ar02 24Pi50 29Cn14 18Ge33 26Pi16 25Ta30 0Ar36 3Aq44
4/16/25 27Ar32 14Sg33 0Ar45 24Pi58 29Cn38 18Ge44 26Pi23 25Ta33 0Ar38 3Aq44
4/17/25 28Ar31 26Sg42 1Ar31 25Pi09 0Le03 18Ge55 26Pi29 25Ta37 0Ar40 3Aq45
4/18/25 29Ar30 9Cp03 2Ar21 25Pi22 0Le28 19Ge06 26Pi36 25Ta40 0Ar42 3Aq45
4/19/25 0Ta28 21Cp38 3Ar14 25Pi37 0Le53 19Ge17 26Pi43 25Ta43 0Ar44 3Aq46
4/20/25 1Ta27 4Aq33 4Ar10 25Pi54 1Le18 19Ge29 26Pi49 25Ta46 0Ar46 3Aq46
4/21/25 2Ta25 17Aq50 5Ar09 26Pi13 1Le44 19Ge40 26Pi56 25Ta50 0Ar49 3Aq46
4/22/25 3Ta24 1Pi31 6Ar11 26Pi34 2Le10 19Ge51 27Pi02 25Ta53 0Ar50 3Aq47
4/23/25 4Ta22 15Pi39 7Ar16 26Pi57 2Le36 20Ge03 27Pi09 25Ta56 0Ar52 3Aq47
4/24/25 5Ta21 0Ar13 8Ar23 27Pi21 3Le02 20Ge15 27Pi15 25Ta59 0Ar54 3Aq47
4/25/25 6Ta19 15Ar08 9Ar33 27Pi47 3Le29 20Ge26 27Pi21 26Ta03 0Ar56 3Aq48
4/26/25 7Ta18 0Ta18 10Ar45 28Pi15 3Le55 20Ge38 27Pi28 26Ta06 0Ar58 3Aq48
4/27/25 8Ta16 15Ta33 12Ar00 28Pi44 4Le22 20Ge50 27Pi34 26Ta09 1Ar00 3Aq48
4/28/25 9Ta14 0Ge44 13Ar16 29Pi14 4Le49 21Ge02 27Pi40 26Ta13 1Ar02 3Aq48
4/29/25 10Ta13 15Ge40 14Ar36 29Pi46 5Le17 21Ge14 27Pi46 26Ta16 1Ar04 3Aq48
4/30/25 11Ta11 0Cn13 15Ar57 0Ar20 5Le44 21Ge26 27Pi52 26Ta20 1Ar06 3Aq48
5/1/25 12Ta09 14Cn19 17Ar20 0Ar55 6Le12 21Ge38 27Pi58 26Ta23 1Ar08 3Aq49
5/2/25 13Ta08 27Cn55 18Ar46 1Ar30 6Le40 21Ge50 28Pi04 26Ta26 1Ar09 3Aq49
5/3/25 14Ta06 11Le04 20Ar13 2Ar08 7Le08 22Ge02 28Pi10 26Ta30 1Ar11 3Aq49
5/4/25 15Ta04 23Le48 21Ar43 2Ar46 7Le36 22Ge14 28Pi16 26Ta33 1Ar13 3Aq49
5/5/25 16Ta02 6Vi12 23Ar14 3Ar25 8Le04 22Ge27 28Pi22 26Ta37 1Ar15 3Aq49
5/6/25 17Ta00 18Vi21 24Ar48 4Ar06 8Le33 22Ge39 28Pi28 26Ta40 1Ar17 3Aq49
5/7/25 17Ta58 0Li19 26Ar24 4Ar48 9Le01 22Ge51 28Pi33 26Ta44 1Ar18 3Aq48
5/8/25 18Ta56 12Li10 28Ar01 5Ar30 9Le30 23Ge04 28Pi39 26Ta47 1Ar20 3Aq48
5/9/25 19Ta54 23Li59 29Ar41 6Ar14 9Le59 23Ge16 28Pi45 26Ta51 1Ar22 3Aq48
5/10/25 20Ta52 5Sc48 1Ta22 6Ar58 10Le29 23Ge29 28Pi50 26Ta54 1Ar23 3Aq48
5/11/25 21Ta50 17Sc39 3Ta06 7Ar43 10Le58 23Ge42 28Pi56 26Ta58 1Ar25 3Aq48
5/12/25 22Ta48 29Sc35 4Ta51 8Ar30 11Le27 23Ge54 29Pi01 27Ta01 1Ar26 3Aq48
5/13/25 23Ta46 11Sg37 6Ta39 9Ar17 11Le57 24Ge07 29Pi06 27Ta05 1Ar28 3Aq47
5/14/25 24Ta44 23Sg46 8Ta28 10Ar05 12Le27 24Ge20 29Pi12 27Ta08 1Ar30 3Aq47
5/15/25 25Ta42 6Cp03 10Ta19 10Ar53 12Le57 24Ge33 29Pi17 27Ta12 1Ar31 3Aq47
5/16/25 26Ta39 18Cp31 12Ta13 11Ar42 13Le27 24Ge46 29Pi22 27Ta15 1Ar33 3Aq46
5/17/25 27Ta37 1Aq12 14Ta08 12Ar32 13Le57 24Ge59 29Pi27 27Ta19 1Ar34 3Aq46
5/18/25 28Ta35 14Aq08 16Ta06 13Ar23 14Le27 25Ge12 29Pi32 27Ta22 1Ar35 3Aq46
5/19/25 29Ta33 27Aq21 18Ta05 14Ar15 14Le58 25Ge25 29Pi37 27Ta26 1Ar37 3Aq45
5/20/25 0Ge30 10Pi55 20Ta06 15Ar07 15Le28 25Ge38 29Pi42 27Ta29 1Ar38 3Aq45
5/21/25 1Ge28 24Pi52 22Ta09 15Ar59 15Le59 25Ge51 29Pi46 27Ta33 1Ar40 3Aq44
5/22/25 2Ge26 9Ar11 24Ta13 16Ar52 16Le30 26Ge04 29Pi51 27Ta36 1Ar41 3Aq44
5/23/25 3Ge24 23Ar52 26Ta19 17Ar46 17Le01 26Ge17 29Pi56 27Ta39 1Ar42 3Aq43
5/24/25 4Ge21 8Ta49 28Ta27 18Ar40 17Le32 26Ge30 0Ar00 27Ta43 1Ar44 3Aq43
5/25/25 5Ge19 23Ta56 0Ge36 19Ar35 18Le03 26Ge44 0Ar05 27Ta46 1Ar45 3Aq42
5/26/25 6Ge16 9Ge03 2Ge46 20Ar30 18Le35 26Ge57 0Ar09 27Ta50 1Ar46 3Aq42
5/27/25 7Ge14 23Ge59 4Ge57 21Ar26 19Le06 27Ge10 0Ar13 27Ta53 1Ar47 3Aq41
5/28/25 8Ge12 8Cn36 7Ge08 22Ar23 19Le38 27Ge24 0Ar18 27Ta57 1Ar48 3Aq40
5/29/25 9Ge09 22Cn47 9Ge20 23Ar19 20Le10 27Ge37 0Ar22 28Ta00 1Ar50 3Aq40
5/30/25 10Ge07 6Le29 11Ge32 24Ar16 20Le41 27Ge50 0Ar26 28Ta04 1Ar51 3Aq39
5/31/25 11Ge04 19Le42 13Ge44 25Ar14 21Le13 28Ge04 0Ar30 28Ta07 1Ar52 3Aq38
6/1/25 12Ge02 2Vi30 15Ge56 26Ar12 21Le45 28Ge17 0Ar34 28Ta11 1Ar53 3Aq38
6/2/25 12Ge59 14Vi55 18Ge07 27Ar10 22Le18 28Ge31 0Ar38 28Ta14 1Ar54 3Aq37
6/3/25 13Ge57 27Vi03 20Ge16 28Ar09 22Le50 28Ge44 0Ar41 28Ta17 1Ar55 3Aq36
6/4/25 14Ge54 9Li00 22Ge25 29Ar08 23Le22 28Ge58 0Ar45 28Ta21 1Ar56 3Aq35
6/5/25 15Ge52 20Li50 24Ge32 0Ta07 23Le55 29Ge11 0Ar49 28Ta24 1Ar57 3Aq34
6/6/25 16Ge49 2Sc38 26Ge38 1Ta07 24Le27 29Ge25 0Ar52 28Ta28 1Ar58 3Aq34
6/7/25 17Ge46 14Sc29 28Ge42 2Ta07 25Le00 29Ge38 0Ar56 28Ta31 1Ar59 3Aq33
6/8/25 18Ge44 26Sc24 0Cn44 3Ta07 25Le33 29Ge52 0Ar59 28Ta34 1Ar59 3Aq32
6/9/25 19Ge41 8Sg27 2Cn44 4Ta08 26Le06 0Cn06 1Ar02 28Ta38 2Ar00 3Aq31
6/10/25 20Ge39 20Sg39 4Cn42 5Ta09 26Le39 0Cn19 1Ar05 28Ta41 2Ar01 3Aq30
6/11/25 21Ge36 3Cp01 6Cn37 6Ta10 27Le12 0Cn33 1Ar08 28Ta44 2Ar02 3Aq29
6/12/25 22Ge33 15Cp33 8Cn30 7Ta12 27Le45 0Cn46 1Ar11 28Ta47 2Ar02 3Aq28
6/13/25 23Ge31 28Cp16 10Cn21 8Ta14 28Le18 1Cn00 1Ar14 28Ta51 2Ar03 3Aq27
6/14/25 24Ge28 11Aq09 12Cn10 9Ta16 28Le51 1Cn14 1Ar17 28Ta54 2Ar04 3Aq26
6/15/25 25Ge25 24Aq15 13Cn56 10Ta18 29Le25 1Cn27 1Ar20 28Ta57 2Ar04 3Aq25
6/16/25 26Ge22 7Pi35 15Cn40 11Ta21 29Le58 1Cn41 1Ar22 29Ta00 2Ar05 3Aq24
6/17/25 27Ge20 21Pi09 17Cn21 12Ta24 0Vi32 1Cn55 1Ar25 29Ta04 2Ar06 3Aq23
6/18/25 28Ge17 5Ar00 19Cn00 13Ta27 1Vi06 2Cn09 1Ar27 29Ta07 2Ar06 3Aq22
6/19/25 29Ge14 19Ar08 20Cn36 14Ta30 1Vi39 2Cn22 1Ar29 29Ta10 2Ar07 3Aq21
6/20/25 0Cn12 3Ta33 22Cn10 15Ta34 2Vi13 2Cn36 1Ar32 29Ta13 2Ar07 3Aq20
6/21/25 1Cn09 18Ta11 23Cn42 16Ta38 2Vi47 2Cn50 1Ar34 29Ta16 2Ar07 3Aq18
6/22/25 2Cn06 2Ge57 25Cn10 17Ta42 3Vi21 3Cn03 1Ar36 29Ta19 2Ar08 3Aq17
6/23/25 3Cn03 17Ge45 26Cn37 18Ta46 3Vi55 3Cn17 1Ar38 29Ta22 2Ar08 3Aq16
6/24/25 4Cn01 2Cn26 28Cn01 19Ta50 4Vi30 3Cn31 1Ar40 29Ta25 2Ar09 3Aq15
6/25/25 4Cn58 16Cn53 29Cn22 20Ta55 5Vi04 3Cn44 1Ar41 29Ta28 2Ar09 3Aq14
6/26/25 5Cn55 0Le57 0Le40 22Ta00 5Vi38 3Cn58 1Ar43 29Ta31 2Ar09 3Aq13
6/27/25 6Cn52 14Le37 1Le56 23Ta05 6Vi13 4Cn12 1Ar44 29Ta34 2Ar09 3Aq11
6/28/25 7Cn50 27Le51 3Le09 24Ta10 6Vi47 4Cn26 1Ar46 29Ta37 2Ar10 3Aq10
6/29/25 8Cn47 10Vi39 4Le20 25Ta15 7Vi22 4Cn39 1Ar47 29Ta40 2Ar10 3Aq09
6/30/25 9Cn44 23Vi07 5Le27 26Ta21 7Vi57 4Cn53 1Ar49 29Ta43 2Ar10 3Aq08
7/1/25 10Cn41 5Li17 6Le32 27Ta26 8Vi32 5Cn07 1Ar50 29Ta46 2Ar10 3Aq06
7/2/25 11Cn39 17Li15 7Le33 28Ta32 9Vi07 5Cn20 1Ar51 29Ta49 2Ar10 3Aq05
7/3/25 12Cn36 29Li06 8Le32 29Ta38 9Vi41 5Cn34 1Ar52 29Ta51 2Ar10 3Aq04
7/4/25 13Cn33 10Sc57 9Le27 0Ge44 10Vi17 5Cn47 1Ar52 29Ta54 2Ar10 3Aq02
7/5/25 14Cn30 22Sc50 10Le19 1Ge51 10Vi52 6Cn01 1Ar53 29Ta57 2Ar10 3Aq01
7/6/25 15Cn27 4Sg50 11Le07 2Ge57 11Vi27 6Cn15 1Ar54 29Ta59 2Ar10 3Aq00
7/7/25 16Cn25 17Sg01 11Le52 4Ge04 12Vi02 6Cn28 1Ar54 0Ge02 2Ar10 2Aq58
7/8/25 17Cn22 29Sg23 12Le33 5Ge10 12Vi37 6Cn42 1Ar55 0Ge05 2Ar10 2Aq57
7/9/25 18Cn19 11Cp59 13Le10 6Ge17 13Vi13 6Cn55 1Ar55 0Ge07 2Ar10 2Aq56
7/10/25 19Cn16 24Cp48 13Le44 7Ge24 13Vi48 7Cn09 1Ar55 0Ge10 2Ar09 2Aq54
7/11/25 20Cn13 7Aq50 14Le13 8Ge31 14Vi24 7Cn22 1Ar56 0Ge13 2Ar09 2Aq53
7/12/25 21Cn11 21Aq04 14Le38 9Ge39 14Vi59 7Cn36 1Ar56 0Ge15 2Ar09 2Aq52
7/13/25 22Cn08 4Pi29 14Le58 10Ge46 15Vi35 7Cn49 1Ar56 0Ge17 2Ar09 2Aq50
7/14/25 23Cn05 18Pi05 15Le14 11Ge54 16Vi11 8Cn03 1Ar55 0Ge20 2Ar08 2Aq49
7/15/25 24Cn02 1Ar51 15Le26 13Ge01 16Vi47 8Cn16 1Ar55 0Ge22 2Ar08 2Aq47
7/16/25 24Cn59 15Ar46 15Le32 14Ge09 17Vi23 8Cn30 1Ar55 0Ge25 2Ar08 2Aq46
7/17/25 25Cn57 29Ar52 15Le34 15Ge17 17Vi58 8Cn43 1Ar54 0Ge27 2Ar07 2Aq45
7/18/25 26Cn54 14Ta05 15Le31 16Ge25 18Vi35 8Cn56 1Ar54 0Ge29 2Ar07 2Aq43
7/19/25 27Cn51 28Ta26 15Le23 17Ge33 19Vi11 9Cn10 1Ar53 0Ge31 2Ar06 2Aq42
7/20/25 28Cn49 12Ge49 15Le10 18Ge42 19Vi47 9Cn23 1Ar52 0Ge34 2Ar06 2Aq40
7/21/25 29Cn46 27Ge12 14Le53 19Ge50 20Vi23 9Cn36 1Ar51 0Ge36 2Ar05 2Aq39
7/22/25 0Le43 11Cn28 14Le31 20Ge59 20Vi59 9Cn49 1Ar50 0Ge38 2Ar05 2Aq38
7/23/25 1Le40 25Cn32 14Le04 22Ge07 21Vi36 10Cn02 1Ar49 0Ge40 2Ar04 2Aq36
7/24/25 2Le38 9Le19 13Le33 23Ge16 22Vi12 10Cn16 1Ar48 0Ge42 2Ar03 2Aq35
7/25/25 3Le35 22Le46 12Le59 24Ge25 22Vi49 10Cn29 1Ar47 0Ge44 2Ar03 2Aq33
7/26/25 4Le32 5Vi51 12Le21 25Ge34 23Vi25 10Cn42 1Ar46 0Ge46 2Ar02 2Aq32
7/27/25 5Le30 18Vi36 11Le41 26Ge43 24Vi02 10Cn55 1Ar44 0Ge48 2Ar01 2Aq31
7/28/25 6Le27 1Li02 10Le58 27Ge52 24Vi39 11Cn08 1Ar42 0Ge50 2Ar01 2Aq29
7/29/25 7Le25 13Li13 10Le14 29Ge01 25Vi16 11Cn21 1Ar41 0Ge52 2Ar00 2Aq28
7/30/25 8Le22 25Li12 9Le30 0Cn10 25Vi53 11Cn34 1Ar39 0Ge54 1Ar59 2Aq26
7/31/25 9Le19 7Sc05 8Le45 1Cn20 26Vi29 11Cn46 1Ar37 0Ge55 1Ar58 2Aq25
8/1/25 10Le17 18Sc57 8Le02 2Cn29 27Vi07 11Cn59 1Ar35 0Ge57 1Ar57 2Aq24
8/2/25 11Le14 0Sg52 7Le20 3Cn39 27Vi44 12Cn12 1Ar33 0Ge59 1Ar56 2Aq22
8/3/25 12Le12 12Sg55 6Le41 4Cn49 28Vi21 12Cn25 1Ar31 1Ge00 1Ar56 2Aq21
8/4/25 13Le09 25Sg10 6Le05 5Cn59 28Vi58 12Cn37 1Ar29 1Ge02 1Ar55 2Aq19
8/5/25 14Le07 7Cp41 5Le33 7Cn09 29Vi35 12Cn50 1Ar27 1Ge03 1Ar54 2Aq18
8/6/25 15Le04 20Cp28 5Le06 8Cn19 0Li13 13Cn02 1Ar24 1Ge05 1Ar53 2Aq17
8/7/25 16Le02 3Aq32 4Le44 9Cn29 0Li50 13Cn15 1Ar22 1Ge06 1Ar52 2Aq15
8/8/25 16Le59 16Aq54 4Le28 10Cn39 1Li27 13Cn27 1Ar19 1Ge08 1Ar51 2Aq14
8/9/25 17Le57 0Pi31 4Le18 11Cn49 2Li05 13Cn40 1Ar17 1Ge09 1Ar50 2Aq13
8/10/25 18Le54 14Pi21 4Le14 12Cn59 2Li42 13Cn52 1Ar14 1Ge10 1Ar48 2Aq11
8/11/25 19Le52 28Pi21 4Le18 14Cn10 3Li20 14Cn04 1Ar11 1Ge12 1Ar47 2Aq10
8/12/25 20Le49 12Ar28 4Le29 15Cn20 3Li58 14Cn17 1Ar08 1Ge13 1Ar46 2Aq09
8/13/25 21Le47 26Ar40 4Le46 16Cn31 4Li36 14Cn29 1Ar05 1Ge14 1Ar45 2Aq07
8/14/25 22Le44 10Ta54 5Le11 17Cn42 5Li13 14Cn41 1Ar02 1Ge15 1Ar44 2Aq06
8/15/25 23Le42 25Ta07 5Le43 18Cn53 5Li51 14Cn53 0Ar59 1Ge16 1Ar43 2Aq05
8/16/25 24Le40 9Ge17 6Le22 20Cn03 6Li29 15Cn05 0Ar56 1Ge17 1Ar41 2Aq03
8/17/25 25Le38 23Ge23 7Le08 21Cn14 7Li07 15Cn17 0Ar52 1Ge18 1Ar40 2Aq02
8/18/25 26Le35 7Cn21 8Le02 22Cn26 7Li46 15Cn29 0Ar49 1Ge19 1Ar39 2Aq01
8/19/25 27Le33 21Cn10 9Le01 23Cn37 8Li24 15Cn40 0Ar46 1Ge20 1Ar38 2Aq00
8/20/25 28Le31 4Le47 10Le08 24Cn48 9Li02 15Cn52 0Ar42 1Ge21 1Ar36 1Aq58
8/21/25 29Le29 18Le09 11Le20 25Cn59 9Li40 16Cn04 0Ar39 1Ge22 1Ar35 1Aq57
8/22/25 0Vi26 1Vi16 12Le38 27Cn11 10Li19 16Cn15 0Ar35 1Ge22 1Ar34 1Aq56
8/23/25 1Vi24 14Vi07 14Le02 28Cn22 10Li57 16Cn27 0Ar31 1Ge23 1Ar32 1Aq55
8/24/25 2Vi22 26Vi41 15Le31 29Cn34 11Li36 16Cn38 0Ar28 1Ge24 1Ar31 1Aq54
8/25/25 3Vi20 9Li01 17Le04 0Le45 12Li14 16Cn49 0Ar24 1Ge24 1Ar29 1Aq52
8/26/25 4Vi18 21Li09 18Le42 1Le57 12Li53 17Cn00 0Ar20 1Ge25 1Ar28 1Aq51
8/27/25 5Vi16 3Sc07 20Le24 3Le09 13Li31 17Cn12 0Ar16 1Ge25 1Ar27 1Aq50
8/28/25 6Vi14 15Sc00 22Le09 4Le20 14Li10 17Cn23 0Ar12 1Ge26 1Ar25 1Aq49
8/29/25 7Vi12 26Sc52 23Le57 5Le32 14Li49 17Cn34 0Ar08 1Ge26 1Ar24 1Aq48
8/30/25 8Vi10 8Sg47 25Le47 6Le44 15Li28 17Cn45 0Ar04 1Ge26 1Ar22 1Aq47
8/31/25 9Vi08 20Sg50 27Le39 7Le56 16Li07 17Cn55 0Ar00 1Ge27 1Ar21 1Aq46
9/1/25 10Vi06 3Cp05 29Le33 9Le08 16Li46 18Cn06 29Pi55 1Ge27 1Ar19 1Aq45
9/2/25 11Vi04 15Cp37 1Vi28 10Le21 17Li25 18Cn17 29Pi51 1Ge27 1Ar18 1Aq44
9/3/25 12Vi02 28Cp29 3Vi23 11Le33 18Li04 18Cn27 29Pi47 1Ge27 1Ar16 1Aq43
9/4/25 13Vi00 11Aq42 5Vi19 12Le45 18Li43 18Cn38 29Pi43 1Ge27 1Ar15 1Aq42
9/5/25 13Vi59 25Aq18 7Vi16 13Le58 19Li23 18Cn48 29Pi38 1Ge27 1Ar13 1Aq41
9/6/25 14Vi57 9Pi14 9Vi12 15Le10 20Li02 18Cn58 29Pi34 1Ge27 1Ar11 1Aq40
9/7/25 15Vi55 23Pi28 11Vi08 16Le22 20Li41 19Cn08 29Pi29 1Ge27 1Ar10 1Aq39
9/8/25 16Vi53 7Ar56 13Vi04 17Le35 21Li21 19Cn18 29Pi25 1Ge27 1Ar08 1Aq38
9/9/25 17Vi52 22Ar30 14Vi59 18Le48 22Li00 19Cn28 29Pi20 1Ge27 1Ar07 1Aq37
9/10/25 18Vi50 7Ta07 16Vi53 20Le00 22Li40 19Cn38 29Pi16 1Ge27 1Ar05 1Aq36
9/11/25 19Vi48 21Ta39 18Vi47 21Le13 23Li19 19Cn48 29Pi11 1Ge26 1Ar03 1Aq35
9/12/25 20Vi47 6Ge02 20Vi40 22Le26 23Li59 19Cn57 29Pi07 1Ge26 1Ar02 1Aq34
9/13/25 21Vi45 20Ge14 22Vi31 23Le39 24Li39 20Cn07 29Pi02 1Ge26 1Ar00 1Aq34
9/14/25 22Vi43 4Cn11 24Vi22 24Le52 25Li19 20Cn16 28Pi58 1Ge25 0Ar59 1Aq33
9/15/25 23Vi42 17Cn53 26Vi12 26Le05 25Li59 20Cn25 28Pi53 1Ge25 0Ar57 1Aq32
9/16/25 24Vi41 1Le20 28Vi01 27Le18 26Li39 20Cn35 28Pi48 1Ge24 0Ar55 1Aq31
9/17/25 25Vi39 14Le33 29Vi49 28Le31 27Li19 20Cn44 28Pi44 1Ge24 0Ar54 1Aq31
9/18/25 26Vi38 27Le31 1Li36 29Le45 27Li59 20Cn53 28Pi39 1Ge23 0Ar52 1Aq30
9/19/25 27Vi36 10Vi16 3Li22 0Vi58 28Li39 21Cn01 28Pi34 1Ge22 0Ar50 1Aq29
9/20/25 28Vi35 22Vi48 5Li06 2Vi11 29Li19 21Cn10 28Pi30 1Ge22 0Ar49 1Aq29
9/21/25 29Vi34 5Li09 6Li50 3Vi25 29Li59 21Cn19 28Pi25 1Ge21 0Ar47 1Aq28
9/22/25 0Li32 17Li20 8Li33 4Vi38 0Sc40 21Cn27 28Pi20 1Ge20 0Ar45 1Aq28
9/23/25 1Li31 29Li22 10Li15 5Vi52 1Sc20 21Cn35 28Pi16 1Ge19 0Ar44 1Aq27
9/24/25 2Li30 11Sc18 11Li56 7Vi05 2Sc00 21Cn43 28Pi11 1Ge18 0Ar42 1Aq26
9/25/25 3Li29 23Sc09 13Li36 8Vi19 2Sc41 21Cn52 28Pi06 1Ge17 0Ar40 1Aq26
9/26/25 4Li28 5Sg00 15Li15 9Vi32 3Sc22 21Cn59 28Pi02 1Ge16 0Ar39 1Aq25
9/27/25 5Li26 16Sg53 16Li53 10Vi46 4Sc02 22Cn07 27Pi57 1Ge15 0Ar37 1Aq25
9/28/25 6Li25 28Sg54 18Li30 12Vi00 4Sc43 22Cn15 27Pi53 1Ge14 0Ar35 1Aq25
9/29/25 7Li24 11Cp06 20Li06 13Vi14 5Sc24 22Cn22 27Pi48 1Ge13 0Ar34 1Aq24
9/30/25 8Li23 23Cp35 21Li41 14Vi28 6Sc05 22Cn30 27Pi44 1Ge12 0Ar32 1Aq24
10/1/25 9Li22 6Aq23 23Li16 15Vi41 6Sc45 22Cn37 27Pi39 1Ge10 0Ar30 1Aq23
10/2/25 10Li21 19Aq36 24Li50 16Vi55 7Sc26 22Cn44 27Pi35 1Ge09 0Ar29 1Aq23
10/3/25 11Li20 3Pi14 26Li23 18Vi09 8Sc07 22Cn51 27Pi30 1Ge08 0Ar27 1Aq23
10/4/25 12Li19 17Pi19 27Li55 19Vi23 8Sc49 22Cn58 27Pi26 1Ge06 0Ar26 1Aq23
10/5/25 13Li19 1Ar48 29Li26 20Vi38 9Sc30 23Cn04 27Pi21 1Ge05 0Ar24 1Aq22
10/6/25 14Li18 16Ar36 0Sc56 21Vi52 10Sc11 23Cn11 27Pi17 1Ge04 0Ar22 1Aq22
10/7/25 15Li17 1Ta35 2Sc26 23Vi06 10Sc52 23Cn17 27Pi13 1Ge02 0Ar21 1Aq22
10/8/25 16Li16 16Ta38 3Sc55 24Vi20 11Sc33 23Cn23 27Pi08 1Ge01 0Ar19 1Aq22
10/9/25 17Li15 1Ge34 5Sc23 25Vi34 12Sc15 23Cn29 27Pi04 0Ge59 0Ar18 1Aq22
10/10/25 18Li15 16Ge17 6Sc50 26Vi49 12Sc56 23Cn35 27Pi00 0Ge57 0Ar16 1Aq22
10/11/25 19Li14 0Cn40 8Sc16 28Vi03 13Sc38 23Cn41 26Pi56 0Ge56 0Ar14 1Aq22
10/12/25 20Li13 14Cn40 9Sc42 29Vi17 14Sc19 23Cn46 26Pi52 0Ge54 0Ar13 1Aq22
10/13/25 21Li13 28Cn18 11Sc06 0Li32 15Sc01 23Cn52 26Pi48 0Ge52 0Ar11 1Aq22
10/14/25 22Li12 11Le34 12Sc30 1Li46 15Sc43 23Cn57 26Pi44 0Ge50 0Ar10 1Aq22
10/15/25 23Li12 24Le30 13Sc53 3Li01 16Sc25 24Cn02 26Pi40 0Ge49 0Ar08 1Aq22
10/16/25 24Li11 7Vi10 15Sc15 4Li15 17Sc06 24Cn07 26Pi36 0Ge47 0Ar07 1Aq22
10/17/25 25Li11 19Vi37 16Sc35 5Li30 17Sc48 24Cn11 26Pi32 0Ge45 0Ar05 1Aq22
10/18/25 26Li10 1Li53 17Sc55 6Li45 18Sc30 24Cn16 26Pi28 0Ge43 0Ar04 1Aq22
10/19/25 27Li10 14Li01 19Sc14 7Li59 19Sc12 24Cn20 26Pi25 0Ge41 0Ar02 1Aq22
10/20/25 28Li10 26Li02 20Sc31 9Li14 19Sc54 24Cn24 26Pi21 0Ge39 0Ar01 1Aq22
10/21/25 29Li09 7Sc58 21Sc47 10Li29 20Sc37 24Cn28 26Pi18 0Ge37 0Ar00 1Aq22
10/22/25 0Sc09 19Sc51 23Sc02 11Li44 21Sc19 24Cn32 26Pi14 0Ge35 29Pi58 1Aq23
10/23/25 1Sc09 1Sg41 24Sc15 12Li58 22Sc01 24Cn36 26Pi11 0Ge33 29Pi57 1Aq23
10/24/25 2Sc09 13Sg33 25Sc26 14Li13 22Sc43 24Cn39 26Pi07 0Ge31 29Pi56 1Aq23
10/25/25 3Sc09 25Sg27 26Sc36 15Li28 23Sc26 24Cn42 26Pi04 0Ge29 29Pi54 1Aq24
10/26/25 4Sc08 7Cp26 27Sc43 16Li43 24Sc08 24Cn46 26Pi01 0Ge27 29Pi53 1Aq24
10/27/25 5Sc08 19Cp36 28Sc48 17Li58 24Sc51 24Cn48 25Pi58 0Ge24 29Pi52 1Aq24
10/28/25 6Sc08 1Aq59 29Sc51 19Li13 25Sc33 24Cn51 25Pi55 0Ge22 29Pi50 1Aq25
10/29/25 7Sc08 14Aq41 0Sg51 20Li28 26Sc16 24Cn54 25Pi52 0Ge20 29Pi49 1Aq25
10/30/25 8Sc08 27Aq46 1Sg48 21Li43 26Sc59 24Cn56 25Pi49 0Ge18 29Pi48 1Aq26
10/31/25 9Sc08 11Pi17 2Sg42 22Li58 27Sc41 24Cn58 25Pi46 0Ge15 29Pi47 1Aq26
11/1/25 10Sc08 25Pi17 3Sg31 24Li13 28Sc24 25Cn00 25Pi44 0Ge13 29Pi45 1Aq27
11/2/25 11Sc08 9Ar45 4Sg17 25Li28 29Sc07 25Cn02 25Pi41 0Ge11 29Pi44 1Aq27
11/3/25 12Sc08 24Ar38 4Sg58 26Li43 29Sc50 25Cn03 25Pi39 0Ge08 29Pi43 1Aq28
11/4/25 13Sc08 9Ta49 5Sg33 27Li58 0Sg33 25Cn05 25Pi36 0Ge06 29Pi42 1Aq29
11/5/25 14Sc09 25Ta09 6Sg03 29Li13 1Sg16 25Cn06 25Pi34 0Ge04 29Pi41 1Aq29
11/6/25 15Sc09 10Ge25 6Sg26 0Sc28 1Sg59 25Cn07 25Pi32 0Ge01 29Pi40 1Aq30
11/7/25 16Sc09 25Ge28 6Sg42 1Sc43 2Sg42 25Cn08 25Pi30 29Ta59 29Pi39 1Aq31
11/8/25 17Sc09 10Cn07 6Sg50 2Sc58 3Sg26 25Cn08 25Pi28 29Ta57 29Pi38 1Aq31
11/9/25 18Sc09 24Cn20 6Sg50 4Sc13 4Sg09 25Cn08 25Pi26 29Ta54 29Pi37 1Aq32
11/10/25 19Sc10 8Le03 6Sg41 5Sc29 4Sg52 25Cn09 25Pi24 29Ta52 29Pi36 1Aq33
11/11/25 20Sc10 21Le19 6Sg21 6Sc44 5Sg36 25Cn09 25Pi22 29Ta49 29Pi35 1Aq34
11/12/25 21Sc10 4Vi11 5Sg52 7Sc59 6Sg19 25Cn08 25Pi21 29Ta47 29Pi34 1Aq35
11/13/25 22Sc11 16Vi43 5Sg13 9Sc14 7Sg03 25Cn08 25Pi19 29Ta44 29Pi33 1Aq35
11/14/25 23Sc11 29Vi00 4Sg24 10Sc30 7Sg46 25Cn07 25Pi18 29Ta42 29Pi32 1Aq36
11/15/25 24Sc12 11Li05 3Sg25 11Sc45 8Sg30 25Cn07 25Pi16 29Ta39 29Pi32 1Aq37
11/16/25 25Sc12 23Li03 2Sg18 13Sc00 9Sg14 25Cn05 25Pi15 29Ta37 29Pi31 1Aq38
11/17/25 26Sc13 4Sc57 1Sg04 14Sc16 9Sg57 25Cn04 25Pi14 29Ta34 29Pi30 1Aq39
11/18/25 27Sc13 16Sc49 29Sc45 15Sc31 10Sg41 25Cn03 25Pi13 29Ta32 29Pi29 1Aq40
11/19/25 28Sc14 28Sc40 28Sc24 16Sc46 11Sg25 25Cn01 25Pi12 29Ta29 29Pi29 1Aq41
11/20/25 29Sc14 10Sg33 27Sc03 18Sc02 12Sg09 24Cn59 25Pi11 29Ta27 29Pi28 1Aq42
11/21/25 0Sg15 22Sg27 25Sc45 19Sc17 12Sg53 24Cn57 25Pi11 29Ta24 29Pi27 1Aq43
11/22/25 1Sg16 4Cp26 24Sc32 20Sc32 13Sg37 24Cn55 25Pi10 29Ta22 29Pi27 1Aq44
11/23/25 2Sg16 16Cp30 23Sc27 21Sc48 14Sg21 24Cn53 25Pi10 29Ta19 29Pi26 1Aq46
11/24/25 3Sg17 28Cp43 22Sc32 23Sc03 15Sg05 24Cn50 25Pi09 29Ta17 29Pi26 1Aq47
11/25/25 4Sg18 11Aq06 21Sc48 24Sc19 15Sg50 24Cn47 25Pi09 29Ta14 29Pi25 1Aq48
11/26/25 5Sg18 23Aq45 21Sc14 25Sc34 16Sg34 24Cn44 25Pi09 29Ta12 29Pi25 1Aq49
11/27/25 6Sg19 6Pi43 20Sc53 26Sc49 17Sg18 24Cn41 25Pi09 29Ta09 29Pi24 1Aq50
11/28/25 7Sg20 20Pi04 20Sc43 28Sc05 18Sg03 24Cn38 25Pi09 29Ta07 29Pi24 1Aq52
11/29/25 8Sg21 3Ar51 20Sc44 29Sc20 18Sg47 24Cn34 25Pi09 29Ta04 29Pi24 1Aq53
11/30/25 9Sg22 18Ar06 20Sc55 0Sg36 19Sg32 24Cn30 25Pi09 29Ta02 29Pi23 1Aq54
12/1/25 10Sg22 2Ta48 21Sc16 1Sg51 20Sg16 24Cn26 25Pi10 28Ta59 29Pi23 1Aq55
12/2/25 11Sg23 17Ta52 21Sc45 3Sg07 21Sg01 24Cn22 25Pi10 28Ta57 29Pi23 1Aq57
12/3/25 12Sg24 3Ge09 22Sc22 4Sg22 21Sg45 24Cn18 25Pi11 28Ta54 29Pi22 1Aq58
12/4/25 13Sg25 18Ge29 23Sc06 5Sg38 22Sg30 24Cn14 25Pi12 28Ta52 29Pi22 1Aq59
12/5/25 14Sg26 3Cn40 23Sc56 6Sg53 23Sg15 24Cn09 25Pi13 28Ta50 29Pi22 2Aq01
12/6/25 15Sg27 18Cn31 24Sc51 8Sg08 24Sg00 24Cn04 25Pi13 28Ta47 29Pi22 2Aq02
12/7/25 16Sg28 2Le56 25Sc51 9Sg24 24Sg44 23Cn59 25Pi15 28Ta45 29Pi22 2Aq04
12/8/25 17Sg28 16Le50 26Sc56 10Sg39 25Sg29 23Cn54 25Pi16 28Ta43 29Pi22 2Aq05
12/9/25 18Sg29 0Vi13 28Sc03 11Sg55 26Sg14 23Cn49 25Pi17 28Ta40 29Pi22 2Aq07
12/10/25 19Sg30 13Vi10 29Sc14 13Sg10 26Sg59 23Cn43 25Pi18 28Ta38 29Pi22 2Aq08
12/11/25 20Sg31 25Vi43 0Sg28 14Sg26 27Sg44 23Cn37 25Pi20 28Ta36 29Pi22 2Aq10
12/12/25 21Sg32 7Li58 1Sg43 15Sg41 28Sg29 23Cn32 25Pi21 28Ta33 29Pi22 2Aq11
12/13/25 22Sg33 20Li01 3Sg01 16Sg57 29Sg15 23Cn26 25Pi23 28Ta31 29Pi22 2Aq13
12/14/25 23Sg34 1Sc55 4Sg21 18Sg12 0Cp00 23Cn20 25Pi25 28Ta29 29Pi22 2Aq14
12/15/25 24Sg35 13Sc46 5Sg42 19Sg28 0Cp45 23Cn13 25Pi27 28Ta27 29Pi22 2Aq16
12/16/25 25Sg37 25Sc36 7Sg04 20Sg43 1Cp30 23Cn07 25Pi29 28Ta25 29Pi23 2Aq17
12/17/25 26Sg38 7Sg28 8Sg28 21Sg59 2Cp16 23Cn01 25Pi31 28Ta22 29Pi23 2Aq19
12/18/25 27Sg39 19Sg25 9Sg53 23Sg15 3Cp01 22Cn54 25Pi33 28Ta20 29Pi23 2Aq21
12/19/25 28Sg40 1Cp26 11Sg18 24Sg30 3Cp47 22Cn47 25Pi35 28Ta18 29Pi24 2Aq22
12/20/25 29Sg41 13Cp34 12Sg44 25Sg46 4Cp32 22Cn40 25Pi38 28Ta16 29Pi24 2Aq24
12/21/25 0Cp42 25Cp49 14Sg11 27Sg01 5Cp18 22Cn33 25Pi40 28Ta14 29Pi24 2Aq26
12/22/25 1Cp43 8Aq13 15Sg39 28Sg17 6Cp03 22Cn26 25Pi43 28Ta12 29Pi25 2Aq27
12/23/25 2Cp44 20Aq46 17Sg07 29Sg32 6Cp49 22Cn19 25Pi45 28Ta10 29Pi25 2Aq29
12/24/25 3Cp45 3Pi32 18Sg36 0Cp48 7Cp35 22Cn12 25Pi48 28Ta08 29Pi26 2Aq31
12/25/25 4Cp47 16Pi32 20Sg05 2Cp03 8Cp20 22Cn04 25Pi51 28Ta06 29Pi26 2Aq33
12/26/25 5Cp48 29Pi50 21Sg35 3Cp19 9Cp06 21Cn57 25Pi54 28Ta05 29Pi27 2Aq34
12/27/25 6Cp49 13Ar29 23Sg05 4Cp34 9Cp52 21Cn49 25Pi57 28Ta03 29Pi27 2Aq36
12/28/25 7Cp50 27Ar30 24Sg35 5Cp50 10Cp38 21Cn42 26Pi01 28Ta01 29Pi28 2Aq38
12/29/25 8Cp51 11Ta53 26Sg06 7Cp05 11Cp24 21Cn34 26Pi04 27Ta59 29Pi29 2Aq40
12/30/25 9Cp52 26Ta36 27Sg37 8Cp21 12Cp10 21Cn26 26Pi07 27Ta58 29Pi29 2Aq41
12/31/25 10Cp53 11Ge34 29Sg08 9Cp36 12Cp56 21Cn18 26Pi11 27Ta56 29Pi30 2Aq43

Chart Entry

Chart Data
Restrictions Sun
East Point
House System Placidus
Equal (MC)
Zodiac Type Krishnamurti

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